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Mass Incarceration of Minorities in America

Essay Instructions:

Four pages altogether 11 or 12 point font 1.5 spacing
Pages 1-2: State your study research question, how previous studies have answered that question, the limitations of those studies, and how your study corrects/addresses those limitations.
Page 3: describe the data you will use to correct/ address those limitations. What are your cases? How many are there?
Page 4: references

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Course Title
Mass Incarceration
The Research Question
The research question is “Why is mass incarceration bigger than it appears in the United States” The tremendous expansion in prison and jail population has altered the official delineations of American social disparity during the last few periods. America's penitentiaries and prisons have shaped a new social group, a set of communal misfits combined by their communal involvement with confinement, crimes, hardship, racial minority, and low levels of education. Males and females in our prisons, as an isolated group, have little admittance to social agility provided to the overall population. Communal and financial drawback, which crystallizes in confinement, is disseminated athwart the life series and passed down to the next group.
How Previous Studies Have Answered the Question
Many studies study the rate of incineration through studying various populations in jail or prison. Prisons and jails, like criminal activities, are primarily male-subjugated. Men make about 90% of the jail populace and a comparable amount of those incarcerated in municipal prisons (Pfaff 2673). In recent decades, women's imprisonment rates have risen faster than men's, yet the social consequence of mass incarceration presents the stark imbalance of community and family commitment. Women stay in their communities to raise their children, whereas males face the prospect of separation through the jail. These consequences are exacerbated by age: people in their twenties and early thirties have the most special imprisonment rates.
Age and gender are the cornerstones of demographic study, and the relative adolescence of the predominantly masculine jailed populace foreshadows many of the consequences of mass imprisonment. Nonetheless, the significant racial and socioeconomic inequities in confinement create a novel class of social outcasts. Blacks have always been jailed at a greater rate than whites since records were collected in the late 1800s (Wagner and Rabuy 9). The quantity of racial inequity, on the other hand, has changed considerably during the last period, roughly contrarywise related to the behind assimilation of African Americans as full citizens in American society.
Inequalities caused by incarceration exacerbate social marginalization—earnings and career opportunities down surge for workers with a criminal record. Parents in jail are more likely to divorce or separate. Their children are prisoned to some extent by the institution's infectious effects, being exposed to the routines of prison life through visits and their parents' parole monitoring (Wagner and Rabuy 10). However, much of this truth is hidden from view. Prisons are foreign institutions unfamiliar to the social mainstream in social life, save for those whose imprisonment rates are most excellent.
The shallow enlightening level of convicts in jail and perfect reproduces class discriminations in imprisonment. As the jail population has expanded, legal job market possibilities for males with only a high school diploma have worsened, and inmates are mainly drawn from the least educated. State convicts have a tenth-grade education, and over 70% do not have a high school diploma.
The Limitations of the Studies
It might be difficult for academics to gain access to a jail. In addition, jailed people rank as a vulnerable group for research reasons. Inmates and other vulnerable groups like children and pregnant women are designated as exceptionally vulnerable under the Department of Health and Human Services laws on human beings’ protection (Watson, Tara Marie, and Emily van der Meulen 184). The requirements need additional safeguards for those in prison. The permission form must specify that a jailed person's involvement in research is entirely voluntary and will ha...
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