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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Prevalent Politically Persuasive Social Science: Economic

Essay Instructions:



For this assignment students are to write a “five paragraph” essay on a public policy of their choosing.  (If you’re unsure exactly what a “five paragraph” essay is you should visit the CalPoly writing center or its website (http://www(dot)cpp(dot)edu/~uwc/) for more information.)


Successful completion of the assignment requires the following:

  • Picking three articles from a newspaper or magazine on a public policy topic that interests you.  (Please refrain from using miscellaneous webpages for your sources.  If you must use a website, then you must document the name of the person who wrote the on-line article and their qualifications.)
  • Writing your essay.  Your essay should summarize the content of the three articles, offer your personal opinion of the public policy, and use some of the economic ideas you’ve learned in class to discuss the likely economic consequences of the policy.


A hardcopy of the essay is due at the beginning of class on the day of the final exam.  You must hand in a typed essay, and all three articles bundled together


Q:  What is a public policy?


A:  An action/policy by the government that affects the lives of citizens.  The policy can be made by the Federal, State, or local government.  In the past, students have written about medical marijuana, social security, immigration, taxation, the war in Iraq.


Q:  How will the essay be graded?


A:  Fundamentally, the essay is a statement of your opinion about the policy.  To the extent possible you should try to relate some of the concepts used in the course to your ideas about the policy.  Scoring of the essay will depend mostly (80%) on using the correct format ( i.e. 5 paragraphs), expressing your opinion clearly, and turning in your articles.   The other (20%) of the grade will depend on how well you write and how well you use economic concepts from the class in your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Social policy
Economics is usually termed as the prevalent politically persuasive social science and still economic advice is usually greatly irrelevant to most policy debates. This article reviews three newspaper articles on immigration social policy and offers personal opinion on the public policy and uses economic ideas learnt in class to discuss the likely economic consequence of the policy to the economy.
In his article in the Guardian dated Saturday, 3 December 2016, Siddiqui stated that the U.S senators are trying to defend undocumented immigrants as president-elect Donald Trump prepares for office. Two senators Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham are drafting a legislation to inform Trump, who made a forceful tactic to immigration essentials during his campaign (Siddiqui). Unregulated immigrants who went to the United States as children have fears they might be deported following the incoming administration. In my personal opinion, I think this immigration policy is a test for the Americans as a nation on how they treat humanity. The immigration policy during Obama’s administration defended the sending home of immigrants who came to the country as children. Borrowing from the macroeconomic concepts learned in class, high unemployment rates may result due to increased number of undocumented immigrants in U.S.
In his article dated May 30, 2016, in the Los Angeles Times, O’Matz highlighted the proposed cuts in support to Cubans could save U.S taxpayers billions. In this report, the congressional analysts have estimated a total of $2.45 billion over the coming would be saved if the bill to ban the benefit for Cuban immigrants in the U.S. When the bill is passed most Cuban immigrants would not disqualify for refugee compensation, medical benefits, as well as other forms of refugee aids. Most of the Cuban immigrants flew to America after Obama’s administration through its immigration policy revived diplomatic ties with Cuba at the end of 2014 (O’Matz). From my perspective, the immigration policy here aligns with the economics i...
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