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Solving Final Exam Question About American History

Essay Instructions:

Just answer each question in paragraph format. Below I will post the question and the study guide and instruction which guide student how to do. 
Please read the instruction carefully and answer them clearly. I gonna need it for final exam. 
• 1.) What were the founding ideals and ideas that influenced the foundation of the United States and the United States Constitution?
These ideas are in the first two chapters' slides, and you should discuss some of the following. They include Liberalism (classical liberalism) individualism, no taxation without representation, liberty, economic individualism (capitalism), equality of outcomes, and personal responsibility. Also, Locke's idea of natural rights – he spoke of “life, liberty, and property” whereas the Declaration of Independence says, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” And Charles de Montesquieu's articulation of the necessity of separation of powers, which influenced the Constitution. Don't just know the list I provided, but be able to talk about these things. 
• 3.) Discuss the five to six party systems including when they roughly existed, what parties were part of each, which party was dominant, and something describing that era.
The table below gives an overview of this. Understand what the terms under “era” mean. These are in the political parties and voting slideshow. 
Party System Years (disputed estimates) Dominant Party Opposition Era
1st Party System 1796-1820 Federalists Democratic-Republicans The Founders
2nd Party System 1824-1854 Democrats Whigs Corrupt Bargain Aftermath
3rd Party System 1860-1896 Republicans Democrats Industrial Revolution/ Gilded Age
4th Party System 1900-1932 Republicans Democrats Progressive Era
5th Party System 1932 -1972 or 1980 Democrats Republicans New Deal Party System
• 4.) How do groups not mentioned in the Constitution influence policy? (i.e. political parties, the bureaucracy, interest groups and the media.) At least a couple of sentences on each.
This means, how do political parties, bureaucracies interest groups and the media affect, guide, and/or implement decisions (laws, objectives by the president and political parties)? Under the political parties and voting slides, look at the benefits of large parties, mobilization and turnout slides, and nominating candidates to office – these candidates make laws and policies. For bureaucracy and interest groups you can look at the iron triangle under the bureaucracy slides. Under the interest groups slides see the influencing government slides. For the media, look at most of the slides in the media chapter concerning bias and then how the media influences the public. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American History
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Institutional Affiliation
American History
There were numerous founding ideals and ideas that influenced the foundation of the United States and the United States Constitution. These include liberalism, individualism, no taxation without representation, liberty, capitalism, equality of outcomes, and personal responsibility. Liberalism was an ideology based on the valuation of individual freedom. It was incorporated in the constitution to guarantee citizens the freedom to speech, religion, limited government, assembly, and markets. Individualism was an ideal that proposed that freedom arises from the individuals but not the government. The constitution, through the Bill of Rights, protects the rights of an individual such as speech, privacy, press, protection among others. Individualistic ideas suggested that rights originate from individuals and can only be constraint by the rights of others meaning that an individual could extend their rights as long as it does not interfere with other's rights. No taxation without representation was another was another idea that denied paying taxes to a colonial parliament that did not have the taxpayer's representation. During constitution foundation, the taxpayers had to be represented by their elected leaders in the parliament that they would be paying taxes to. Liberty encompassed the ideas of protection of natural rights, self-governance, economic autonomy, social justice and moral individualism. Individuals are guaranteed liberty following these perspectives. Capitalism was a political ideology that proposed private ownership of property so that individuals can earn individual profits from their investments. This ideology gives individuals the right to own property as individuals as enshrined in the constitution. Equality of outcomes was an ideal in which people were thought to have similar income states so as to avoid disparities in wealth among the citizens and if the disparity exists, the government ought to come up with equalizing methods of redistributing income such as taxation. Personal responsibility in American constitution entails that people ought to be punished for errant actions as a way of encouraging responsibility for personal actions. This is a way of maintaining order in the society.
Party Systems in America
The first party system lasted between 1796 and 1820. During this period, George Washington was outgoing as the Federalist president and the party had nominated John Adams as the pre...
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