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A Critical Review of Ethnic Relations in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should engage our readings and critically examine the points and contributions these authors have made about American Ethnic Studies, social categorization, race, ethnicity, and national identity. A helpful tip as you write, is to examine how our readings might be in conversation with one another, how might they be in opposition, or how could the authors’ works augment one another.

Each student is required to submit a 3-page, double-spaced, document in 12-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch margins that critically engages topics from our readings. Students should use academic voice and proper citation format.

Make sure to cite your work appropriately and accurately. Many disciplines make use of Chicago Manual of Style, MLA or APA citation style. Feel free to use the citation style appropriate to your Major discipline or use the Chicago Manual of Style online guide for citation assistance: http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/tools_citationguide.html

You should be using our readings as resources, but it is alright to use outside sources, as long as they are all properly cited within your essay and in a works cited or bibliography at the end of the document. *Wikipedia is not a valid source of information to cite within academic work.

Prompt for Essay #1

Describe how race and ethnicity are social constructs as explained in our readings. How do these social constructions contribute in the access or denial of privilege in our dominant society? What are some recent instances of racial privilege you have seen in our news and media outlets (include web link and citations to any news articles you might include in your essay).

Essays should be formatted in double-spaced documents with 12-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch margins.

I will give you all the reading materials from this course. The materials include one film and 9 readings. This one film you can find it on Netflix. For watch this film on Netflix, I will give you my account number and password.

Account number for Netflix

The film is:

Watch: Cesar’s Last Fast documentary (Available as Instant View on Netflix or as a $3.99 rental in iTunes)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Ethnic Studies
A critical review of ethnic relations in the United States clearly reveals the fact that race is a social construct. What the element of race means, the features and characteristics that are attached to it and its classification (whether White, Black, or Asian), is not considered as primordial or static, but changeable and dynamic. Given this, it is important to understand that the meaning of race is conditioned on ways of shifting societal contexts (Pulido 810). This paper seeks to critically analyze the element of race and ethnicity as social constructs and the manner in which construction contributes to access or denial or privileges within the society.
Race and Ethnicity as Social Contracts
The notion of race as established in sociology and biology including the consequently outcomes related to the ascribed defiance’s on racism is viewed currently as an attempt that is used by the dominant white groups to protect their material interests, a view that can be proven through an example of the Southern plantation owners who heavily relied on slave labor in maximizing their profits during the pre-industrial era (Bridges et al 20). In this manner, the aspect of the social construction of race and ethnicity in the absence of genetic evidence emerged as a social dimension that reproduced racial inequality in the society.
Ruth Bader, a Supreme Court Justice justifies the manner in which the current regime has given root to a racial and ethnic caste that resulted in the endurance of disparities. The disparities have created disproportional gaps in unemployment, access to health care, poverty, and the distribution of resources within the society (Elizabeth & Margaret 12). Having established this, it is significant to understand that the dialectical fluidity of race and ethnicity between self-definition and other definitions of an individual’s chosen racial identity versus the society’s imposed racial identity precisely facilities an understanding of race as a social construction. For instance, an individual walking down a public street in America would be referred to racially as a Latino or African American in as much as such descriptions would fail to identify the individuals as of Mexican or American origins.
On the other hand, the salience of ethnicity when equally compared to race is inferred to in different kinds of literature as a secondary category of identity. In this case, racial identity formation is likely to take place during the process of assimilation, especially in instances where immigrants and their descendants lose their ethnicity and sociocultural support to assimilate a new one (Peggy 26). As established, the perception of ethnicity as a salient feature of identity remains an aspect that is primarily related to the conception of this aspect as a socially contracted element that discloses the self-identity of in individual. However, Leonardo reveals that the main problem with the construction of ethnicity is evident in its efforts to reinforce the element of ethnicity as a real aspect than race (600).
In a transcribed interview developed by a self-identified Mexican entrepreneur, the business person reveals that he was born in Mexico by immigrant parents considered to be Lebanese. The entrepreneur then joined a boarding school in France and moved back to Mexico then to the United States where he currently resides and married a White American woman (Menchaca n.p). Given this, it is essential to point out to that her self-defined ethnicity is Mexican, in as much as he speaks Spanish, French, Arabic, and Arabic. On the other hand, his racial identity is White even though he does not associate much with the Hispanics. The aspect of the social construct...
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