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American Ethnic Studies Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should engage our readings and critically examine the points and contributions these authors have made about American Ethnic Studies, social categorization, race, ethnicity, and national identity. A helpful tip as you write, is to examine how our readings might be in conversation with one another, how might they be in opposition, or how could the authors’ works augment one another.

Each student is required to submit a 3-page (no more than 3), double-spaced, document in 12-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch margins that critically engages topics from our readings. Students should use academic voice and proper citation format.

Make sure to cite your work appropriately and accurately. Many disciplines make use of Chicago Manual of Style, MLA or APA citation style. Feel free to use the citation style appropriate to your Major discipline or use the Chicago Manual of Style online guide for citation assistance: http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/tools_citationguide.html

You should be using our readings as resources, but it is alright to use outside sources, as long as they are all properly cited within your essay and in a works cited or bibliography at the end of the document. *Wikipedia is not a valid source of information to cite within academic work.

Prompt for Essay #2

As we have read over the last few weeks, there are various levels of categorizations that we, as a society, place people in, or we place ourselves in; Categorizations such as race, ethnicity, gender, and class. What purpose do these categorizations serve and if we can see through them, what could that mean for our future understandings of categorizing individuals within the U.S.? How would shifting our perceptions of these categorizations change the manner in which American Ethnic Studies, as a field of academic study, explores the concepts of the melting pot, diversity, or multiculturalism in the U.S.?
I will attach all the materials which I studied in the recent weeks. Please use these materials to finish this essay, and you need to cite these materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Ethnic Studies
Categorizing the society into the various categories creates social inequality where there is unequal distribution of resources, rewards as well as positions. Social characteristics such as race, role, and identities are used to differentiate and categorize people into the various societal levels which have implications to the society as a whole. Social categorization in itself does not mean aligning people into a hierarchy of power or privilege. However, categorizing people into class, gender, race, and ethnicity puts in the position of getting greater resources becoming a basis of social inequality in the society.
Social categorization plays an important role in the society. First, it ensures that all roles are filled. Without categorization, there are other roles that may remain unfilled. The gender category divides roles among the members of the society, who should do what and how. It also helps in identifying how individuals should behave and relate with other genders. Secondly, it ensures that social order is maintained. Social categorization creates certain values, customs and practices that must be observed by the members of the society to maintain and conserve certain patterns of relations. Social order is a result of conflicts between the working class and the elite class. The powerful class in the society forces social order on the working class by controlling the resources and other programs that are beneficial for them (Andersen and Collins). This creates a conflict between the classes which leads to a restructuring of the social order. However, due to the complexity of the society, social order is subject to change. History has demonstrated how different gender, religious, economic and political groups have restructured social order in the society.
Thirdly, social categorization ensures that societal roles are fitted with those who are capable of executing them. Members of the society have different capabilities hence the categorization. Class categorization plays an important role in ensuring that individuals occupy their respective roles in the society. Powerful roles in the society such as political and economic cannot be fully executed by people from the lower class. Their decision making skills are considered weak hence they are not capable of making certain critical decisions that can help the society move forward. It also ensures the roles are classified according to their merits and importance. This makes it easier on who to execute them. Additionally, class acts as a motivational tool to the society where they are encouraged to work harder in order to move up the social class.
Social categorization is necessary because i...
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