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Political Sociology and The Social Organization of Power

Essay Instructions:

Question(s) – pick one! (1) As we’ve talked about in a couple different ways this term, it’s not just a simple causal relationship that A (the pandemic) causes B (how we respond to the pandemic). The pandemic stands at the crossroads of the scientific process, family, race, class, gender, politics, and a variety of inequalities. Drawing upon what you’ve learned this term from at least 3 different weeks, make a case for how different social problems in American life have compounded (i.e. interacted with one another), and how that interaction of social problems has made recovery from the pandemic more challenging. How have the multiple factors that you’ve identified shaped differing responses from the government (on one hand) and from citizens (on the other)? (2) How is it useful to think of the events of January 6 as a social problem? On one hand, scholars of American history may argue that protest has always had a place in our civic life – and there was some (non-violent) protest involved on that day. On another hand, what actually happened that day was far more complicated and went beyond non-violent protest. Is it useful to think of protest, in this way, as a matter of degree, or is there a better way of thinking about this phenomenon? Drawing upon what you’ve learned in the week on political sociology and two other weeks, describe how you think about some of the foundational questions that we’ve asked since the start of the term when it comes to characterizing January 6 as a social problem. (Who is it a social problem for? Who benefits/loses in relation to the problem? What’s at stake? Why does the social problem persist?) In your answer, be sure to address how have supporters of January 6 framed that day, and how that differs from people who object to the events of that day frame it.

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Political Sociology and Social Problems
Political sociology is a discipline that studies the social organization of power. It seeks to understand how the government interacts with society, their conflicting social forces and interests, and the aspect of decision-making. The primary focus of political sociology is on conflict resolution, political integration and organization, and the articulation of interests and concerns (Das et al.). Political conflicts may arise as a result of differing interests and opinions. Due to differing opinions, the January 6th capitol attack is a long-standing politically driven riot. Tramp supporters stormed the Capitol as the United States Senate and house of representatives had a convening to declare the victory of Joe Biden in the November presidential elections (Montenaro). The attack was violent to force the representatives and Trump's vice president, Mike Pence, to flee for their lives. The attack led to the death of four individuals, with 100 police officers experiencing serious injuries (Montenaro). According to (Montenaro) the attack caused by Trump's earlier speech at a nearby rally reiterates baseless allegations that the 2020 election was rigged and pushed supporters to march to the Capitol to persuade Congress to reject Biden's win. Thus, the attack was an intentional and organized event by a political leader.
The social Problem
The January 6th Capitol attack is a social problem for United States citizens. Trump's supporters risked their lives to riot. They contended with the agents of the law because their leader requested them to march on and storm the Capitol to deter the declaration of Biden's victory in the presidential election. As a political leader, Trump did not act morally, and his actions cost the lives of people, with many encountering severe injuries. Rioting disrupts several activities and may cost the lives of many. Trump's actions were out of greed and personal interests and drew it to a larger population, building on a bigger social issue. In this regard. Having the supporters attack the Capitol to disrupt the election was a win situation for Trump. He benefits from these actions because he clearly instructed his supporters to march onto the Capitol to prevent lawmakers from declaring Biden the winner of the presidential election. At his wish, his supporters perform his will for him regardless of the consequences.
On the other hand, Trump's supporters in this scenario are on the losing end of the event. According to (Montenaro) several individuals were injured, wit...
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