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My Relationship with the Environment

Essay Instructions:

Arne Naess, known for his contributions to "deep ecology," used the term "ecosophy" to describe what he called a "personal philosophy," which guides our conduct toward the environment. For this essay, please write a reflective narrative that outlines the kinds of ideas or experiences that have shaped your own personal ecosophy to date.
For this reflection, you may write about something close to your heart and you might choose to be creative in your choice of format. Given that this is a personal essay, you are not required or expected to comment on any readings covered thus far in class, but you are welcome to discuss an idea or concept from the course readings if any of the readings inspired your thinking on these themes. These essays will be graded on a pass/fail basis, but I may take points off for essays that are not turned in on time or those that contain significant writing errors, so please let me know if you have a health or family issue that warrants an extension request, and be sure to proofread the essays before submitting them. Otherwise, this is an opportunity to reflect on your personal ecosophy (as it has emerged to date) and you are free to interpret this assignment in many different ways, and to select an approach that is most suitable in expressing your ideas and thoughts to date. If you are not sure whether you have clear ideas on this matter, that is perfectly fine! In that case, just use the assignment to reflect on the kinds of questions, uncertainties, or concerns you have on the theme.
Reminder: essays should be between 1000-1500 words.
Please Note: I have changed the deadline for this essay to April 15, 11:59PM
Consider the following questions as you craft your essays, but do not feel obliged to address any or all of the questions listed below:
What questions do you have about your relationship with the environment?
What ideas or concerns influence the way that you think about your relationship to the environment?
How do such ideas or concerns influence the decisions the decisions you make in daily life, in selecting course, or the way that you think about your future career?
Is there an experience of engagement with the environment, or of ecological issues, that looms large in your memory?
Is there a book, article, essay, or film that has influenced your thinking on these issues?
What political questions does ‘the environment’ raise for you - about choice, ethics, action, or collective life?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflection Paper
The phrase "deep ecology" was coined by Arne Naess, which puts nature into focus instead of the norm where humans were at the center, greatly influencing the kind of relationship I hope to establish with the environment. Deep ecology emphasizes the need for individuals to recognize the interdependent values between humans and non-humans. It also emphasizes the significance of ecosystems and natural processes. As a result, in the same way humans are accorded the right to live, the living environment also has the right to live and flourish (Kopnina 364). Through deep ecology, my mindset has been transformed from seeing the need to conserve the environment from exploitation to serve humans in the future to understanding the role that various parts of the ecosystem play in ensuring that non-human lives live and flourish.
In the past, I would have placed human beings at the top of the food chain in any ecosystem. I would assume it was okay for individuals to cut trees as long as they did not do it in excess. The judgment on whether animals had external souls would push most people I know and me to act as they please since humans were ranked according to their relative value. Additionally, the main reason I would opt to conserve the environment in the past was purely based on sustainability. My goal in the past was to ensure that, despite how I use the available resources today, what I do does not adversely affect the future generation. I did not stop thinking that living things in any environment had the right to live as much as any human did. However, after reading Christian Jack's work on deep ecology, my mindset was transformed. I now believe in the need to advocate for the environment, which, in the long run, guides human activity against self-destruction and preservation of the environment.
Furthermore, my relationship with the environment is mainly based on my concern that the current human rate of meddling with the non-human world is immoderate. If no changes are made, the situation will continue to worsen. According to Christian (112), most aspects of daily human activity hurt the non-human world. The growing population globally has led to people overusing available resources. Also, due to overpopulation, air pollution has increased due to the means of transport used by this group of individuals globally. Water and soil pollution from various chemicals on plants also adversely affects the environment. Hence, because of my concern that the non-living world is affected by daily human activities, I aim to educate people on the importance of treating the non-human world with its dignity.
Additionally, I subscribe to what Bill Devall promotes: humans should live as if nature mattered. I believe that I am responsible for treating the environment with dignity, knowing that life has a value independent of the perspective of human and human needs and wants; hence, it is not to be tampered with unless used for survival. I have learned the importance of ensuring that I do not tamper with the non-human world unless it's the only means of survival. Humans have become so self-centered that individuals have, for the longest time, interfered with the natural environment for the sake of their comfort and self-actualization. An example is an individual spraying an insecticide because they want to eliminate bugs on their crops. The dire effects are that air, soil, and water pollution may occur due to spraying the insecticide. Through the spraying of the insecticide, the hazardous products may be washed into the soil and eventually into the water bodies. Other animals, such as birds and squirrels, may also die. Thus, as an act of humanity being self-centered because they want to yield better, healthier, and more crops, the non-human world is negatively affected. Therefore, currently, I am more sensitive to ensuring that I live as if nature is something that matters...
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