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Climate Change Discussion on Katharine Hayhoe's "Saving Us"

Essay Instructions:

Hayhoe seeks to turn down the temperature (pardon the pun) on climate debates. Given what we’ve studied this semester, where do you find her convincing and where do you find her naive?

Reading: Hayhoe, Saving Us

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Climate Change
After reading different material on climate change, there are some areas that I find Hayhoe in her book convincing, while in other areas, she seemed to be naive about the topic. The book is convinced about the rise in global temperature over the years. The polar ice caps have been steadily melting, proving facts and figures. I do find her assertion that facts are important, but they are not enough to be convincing (Hayhoe 3). According to Hayhoe, there are people that are hostile to the climate change debate and do not believe in science. For such people, concentrating on facts is not enough. It is critical for a person to find shared values and to talk to people with respect if he/she wants to convince such individuals about the importance of climate change.
The discussion on climate change has indeed become politicized over the years. As a result, people tend to align themselves with the political divide that shares the same values and ideology as themselves. Therefore, combining facts, feelings, and emotions is the best way for a person to engage people in this discussion. Lecturing people rather than finding common ground is the worst approach that a person can take when discussing climate change (Hayhoe 7). Lectures work only when the audience is made up of people that are already engaged in the conversation. However, there are people who are not engaged in the conversation either willfully or unwillingly. As such, it is important to know how best to make people interested in the conversation. It is the duty of every individual, the...
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