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Opposing and Personal Views on Abortion

Essay Instructions:

For paper #3, you will be writing a grammatically correct, clearly organized essay that uses Rogerian Argument to explore and then state a position on a controversial social, ethical, intellectual, or historical issue. As a writer, your reason for creating this paper is to persuade your readers to compromise and/or change their position so that they agree (at least in some ways) with your position.

In following Rogerian Argument, your paper, in the following order, should:


Begin with an introduction that establishes why your topic is important historically, ethically, socially, or intellectually (in other words, establish why a reader should be interested in your topic and how this topic affects people in general, no matter what their particular opinions on the topic might be). At this point in the paper, you are not yet stating your own opinion on the topic; you are simply explaining why the topic is an important one.

Body Paragraphs

In at least two well-developed paragraphs, explore and discuss the beliefs and ideas related to the most important opposing point of view to your own opinion. In other words, explain the most significant reason why some people disagree with your point of view. Remember that, in this portion of the paper, you are not disproving or disagreeing with the opposing point of view. You are also not yet stating your own opinion. Instead, you are simply explaining, in a fair and non-biased manner, what the opposing point of view believes.

In at least two well-developed paragraphs, explain what might be valid about the opposing point of view’s beliefs. Explain, for example, under what circumstances the opposing point of view makes the most sense. Again, remember that, in this portion of the paper, you are not disproving or disagreeing with the opposing point of view. You are also not yet stating your own opinion. Instead, you are simply explaining, in a fair and non-biased manner, under what conditions the opposing point of view has the most valid and useful beliefs. In at least two well-developed paragraphs, state your own opinion on the issue, explaining what your position shares in common, in terms of values and goals, with the opposing point of view. Remember that, instead of arguing that your opinion is better or more correct than the opposing point of view, you are seeking to establish common ground. Demonstrating understanding of the opposing point of view, you are seeking to explain the values and goals that both points of view (yours and the opposition’s) share.

In at least two well-developed paragraphs, explain under what conditions your own point of view makes the most sense. This is where your essay’s thesis will become more apparent; at this point, you should state your opinion on the issue being discussed. You should also state and fully explain the reasons that support this opinion. 

In at least two well-developed paragraphs, offer a compromise with the opposing point of view. If your beliefs and the beliefs of the opposing point of view can be reconciled in some way, or if you can offer a fair compromise or an alternative between your beliefs and the beliefs of the opposition, then you should explain this resolution, focusing on why this resolution will be mutually beneficial for both sides. If absolutely no reconciliation, compromise, or alternative is possible, then you should fairly and respectfully explain why the best solution is for the opposition to accept your point of view.


In the concluding paragraph, state your thesis, not only expressing your opinion and summarizing the reasons that support this opinion but also reiterating how the opposing point of view will benefit from compromising with (or agreeing with at least portions of) your position. As you close the paper, leave readers with a reason to care about the issue you have just discussed.


The paper will be written in paragraph format-not listing and just as any other papers in this class, these assignments should be double-spaced, use 12pt standard font (Times New Roman), the proper heading and header, and 1” margins.

 Make sure to write in 3rd person and maintain formal writing. Although not required, if you use information from outside sources, then you must include proper documentation with citations and a source listing page. You may use either MLA or APA; however, make sure to be consistent in the use of a documentation style.

Your essay should include:

• an acute awareness of your audience and the objections they hold to your argument

• a thesis/claim that you are arguing

• a set of claims and attention (dismissal, concession, compromise, etc.) that lead to and support your argument (Why are you right?)

• a discussion explaining the significance of your position (Why is your position important, interesting, and meaningful?)

• an appropriate scope for the page requirement (4-5 pages)

• consistency of appropriate audience address

• ability to stay to the logical and fair approach identified as Rogerian argument

• effective integration of realistic counter-arguments

• logical organization

• adequate development

• accurate use of terms and facts

• credibility of ideas, examples, and evidence, if used.

• smooth integration of evidence, quotes, and paraphrases, if used

• focus and cohesiveness

• lack of grammatical and mechanical errors

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Abortion is an emotive issue that affects hundreds of women across the globe. This essay will argue for abortion and explain why the practice should be legalized and accepted by society. The practice is essential because of the matter's ethical, historical, and social aspects. Many countries across the globe have not yet legalized abortion. Those against the practice use religion, ethics, morality, and political beliefs to justify why the practice should not be legalized. The topic is important because it affects women's health and well-being. It is essential to look at the issue rationally and determine the pros and cons of the practice in the 21st century. Abortion should be legalized because a woman should have the right to choose what she will do with her body.
Opposing View
There are several reasons people disagree that abortion should be legalized. There is a large number of people across the globe that are religious. These people base some of their decisions on what they have been taught in their churches, mosques, or temples. In most religions, killing is prohibited. As a result, the pro-life advocate views abortion as murder, and thus it is something that should not be permitted (BBC). According to protestants and Catholics, life begins after conception. An embryo is thus a living thing, and it will be a sin to undergo an abortion procedure. The Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists share the same view about life and conception. Religious people will thus quote the word of God as to the reason why they are against the practice.
Although women have a right to choose what they should do with their bodies, the right to life should outweigh other liberties (Stefan 3). Any child has the right to grow up and reach their full potential. When they are in the womb, they do not choose whether to live or die. The mother has to ensure that she keeps the pregnancy and that the child has reached her full potential. There is also a limit to how far a person's liberty goes as far as their bodies are concerned. There are some limitations as to what a person can do, and it is the duty of the State and society to put these measures in place. Furthermore, being pregnant is not a problem. By concentrating on pregnancy and abortion, society is missing the critical issue addressed. For example, a pregnant woman because of rape should not be stigmatized for being pregnant (BBC). Society should address why people are raping women. Tough laws should be implemented to stop such behavior rather than advocating for the legalization of abortion.
Having an abortion does not liberate women but allows society to ignore the issues that should be addressed. There is a need for society to develop a policy that will make childcare inexpensive and readily available (BBC). If a woman is assured that they will get the support they need, they will not resort to abortion. It is also critical to have schools and workplaces that acknowledge the needs of mothers. Such support is critical in helping a woman continue being a mom and do her job or studies (BBC).
Furthermore, abortion is a short-term solution and does not solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy. A woman that was raped will still be traumatized even if she chooses to have an abortion. By having an abortion, the woman will have to deal with the rape trauma and trauma of undergoing the medical procedure. The long-term solution for such an issue is to get the women the mental and moral support that they need rather than encouraging them to get rid of the pregnancy. Finally, abortion violates the feminist principles of nonviol...
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