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Descartes: Using the Method of Doubt for "Dictum cogito, ergo sum"

Essay Instructions:

Reread chapter 5, paying particular attention to sections 2, 3, and 4. Next do a little additional research, using the sources posted in the Reference Materials folder on Blackboard. Then write at least 300 words (with a word count) explaining how Descartes used his method of doubt to arrive at the dictum cogito, ergo sum.

Your paper should contain at least one direct quote from the textbook and one direct quote from one of the Reference Materials sources. You can simply cite the textbook parenthetically, e.g. “God is not able to do something morally wrong” (Stich and Donaldson 61). But you should use Easybib (https://www(dot)easybib(dot)com/) or some other tool to generate a Works Cited entry in MLA format for the online source you draw on, e.g.

Tooley, Michael. “The Problem of Evil.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 3 Mar. 2015, https://plato(dot)stanford(dot)edu/entries/evil/.

Points will be deducted for missing quotes and citations.
This is the source I would like you to use:

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Descartes’ Dictum Cogito, Ergo Sum
Rene Descartes is a French researcher, philosopher, and scientist primarily known for his thinking and geometry skills. “The origins of Descartes’ method is coeval with his initiation into a radical form of natural philosophy based on the combination of mechanics, physics, and mathematics” (Dika and Tarek 1). Therefore, the primary purpose of this assignment is to discuss how Descartes integrated his method of doubt into arriving at the dictum cogito, ergo sum.
Descartes defines a method as a particular set of rules that are easily applied and lead to correct results when correctly applied. Descartes also refers to the method of doubt as a way of finding certainty by first systematically doubting things. Through implementing the method of doubt, Descartes arrived at the dictum cogito, ergo sum, which illustrates the process of attaining a particular knowledge. Therefore, Descartes was fond of using the term ‘I think, therefore I am.’
Descartes integrated various examples into explaining wh...
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