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Methods of Negotiations and the Role of Women Research

Essay Instructions:

Liberal theorists believe that negotiation is a preferable way to resolve international disputes than coercive diplomacy. What are the various methods of negotiations that are used? What are the benefits and drawbacks of negotiation? Discuss the role of women in global negotiation for world peace. Would the inclusion of more women be beneficial or would it have no appreciable difference?

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Methods of Negotiations and the Role of Women
Negotiation has been embraced for a long time, playing a vital role in the existence of human beings and influencing their lives. The results of negotiation vary, but the ultimate solution has a binding solution and agreement. The agreement is reached while avoiding disputes and arguments. Individuals in a negotiation aim to attain the best possible solution for the opinion or position they stand for or represent. Nevertheless, the principles of mutual benefit, fairness and maintaining a relationship are critical to a successful outcome. Several stages are followed during negotiation, making it a long and tedious process in some instances. Any form of negotiation, irrespective of the method of negotiation, must know all the pertinent issues prior to the meeting.
Various Methods of Negotiations
Distributive negotiation is also known as the win-lose method. It is based on the premise that one individual or group can win at the expense of another. One party seeks to gain the lead by concealing information, being manipulative or misleading. These methods have negative repercussions. Despite the tactics or strategies employed, both sides have to accept the outcome. They have to accept and uphold the outcome as discussed or negotiated (McCarthy and Steve 16).
In lose-lose negotiation method, one party whose interests are threatened embraces the lose-lose approach to ensure that the result of the negotiation is not satisfactory to either party. Hence, both groups end up losing. Such a situation arises if both partners ignore the needs and concerns of the other party, and thus the need to offend outweighs any form of an acceptable solution.
Integrative negotiation is also known as collaborative or value-based approach. It is considered the most superior in all forms of negotiation. It gives the feeling that both parties have achieved what they needed. The outcome satisfies both parties. The principal concern is to maximize the joint results. The main strategies include information sharing, mutual problem solving, a...
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