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Global Food Crisis and Domestic Governments

Essay Instructions:

Explain the causes of the global food crisis. Which do you think is the most significant contributor? How would you address these issues? What role can domestic governments play? What role can international agencies play? Examine how realists, liberals, and constructivists would solve this problem.

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Global Food Crisis
The global crisis in food is not about shortage of food resources or food production.  It is a crisis in food waste and distribution.   Africa had been infamous for under nutrition and famine.   However, about 55% of fruits and vegetables are wasted in North Africa (Gustavsson et al.).  It is also possible that there are areas with plenty food but just go to waste, not harvested and not brought to market.I met a friend from Asia who met a girl from a poor rural upland where there were plenty of bananas for free that just rots and goes to waste.  But when you go to market, the bananas are very expensive that a normal family could not afford.  
That poor community could have earned from their natural resources but they did not have the means, perhaps the knowledge, network, and technology to market their produce.  Local governments shall have thorough evaluation of their natural resources and encourage and support their community to be able to process and market their products.
Large traders monopolizing the market so as to keep their products at high value could also be probable reason that prevent smaller traders from supplying.  Increasing the supply of raw materials could reduce market prices.  Making food more affordable can help reduce hunger rates.   In a capitalist world, the government shall ensure the conditions for a free market and fair competition.  
Promoting a free market also ensures efficient distribution of goods (Walton 6).  However, even with a liberal government, minimization of government interference does not liberate the market.    Liberalism supports the idea of a free market and limits government intervention.    However, liberalism-based policies seemed unsuccessful and even contributed to the rise of food crisis since 2008 (Walton 1).   Liberalism puts value on the individual over the state.  However, since the government is not completely out of the picture, this only strengthens the influence of powerful individuals and private companies in misdirecting governance of trades towards their own interests.  More often than not, politicians are easily corrupted or influenced by those who have money, affiliations, and knowledge often in favor of those in the upper brackets of society and the developed world.  Lands in developing nations are even exploited to make food for the developed world.  Instead of food being distributed locally to feed the hungry poor, goods are exported to be fed to animals for the meat industry.  Policies should also stress the prioritization for local consumption instead of feeding the people, pets, and farm animals of other nations.  The government should also focus on education so that more people could have fair chances to make influence in government policies on food.  
Realism emphasizes more on the role of the government, values the state over the private sector, and prioritizes local food security over participation and reliance in international trade (Walton 15).  For me, having a free market is ideal, however, it is unrealistic.  However, I would still stick with liberal ideals of individual rights and open trading in the global market.  Nevertheless, the government needs to be strong enough to play a role in protecting and empowering the minorities, small investors and its own people from the fangs of national and international giants instead of being so easily swerved by them.  The government shall ensure the health and welfare first and foremost of its own people and participate in the...
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