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The Meaning of Authority in the Context of Media and Popular Culture

Essay Instructions:

The readings are the readings of reflection paper in week 2 3 4 and 6.
Essay One:
A 2-3 page critical or analytical essay on some particular aspect of one of our weekly themes.
Select one of the following critical concepts:
1- Ideology
2- Hegemony
3- Agency
4- Authority
5- Race
6- Gender
A- Provide a brief definition of your selected concept.
B- Provide 2 to 3 examples of you using this concept to understand media or popular culture.
C- Why is this concept useful? What does it give you that other concepts don't? What does it highlight?
D- What are some of the limits/limitations of this concept? What does it miss?
Important Note:
Please organize your responses in an academic essay format, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Also make sure that the essay is organized around full paragraphs and complete sentences and is clearly typed. Feel free to draw on your previous class notes and on the readings we have covered, as well as on any other handy sources. Please acknowledge all your sources.

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The term authority means different things in different contexts. Some people consider authority as power; others see it as control, and still, others consider authority as the mastery of something. All these aspects of authority intersect and point to the same idea of the term. It is said that knowledge is power. Therefore, when someone acquires knowledge, it is synonymous with acquiring authority in a particular subject. The above explanation coincides with mastery, which entails understanding how a particular thing works or the intricacies of a certain field. With regard to control, authority is exemplified through one’s command or dominance in an aspect or field. Therefore, the definition of authority is having power, control, or mastery in a particular area, subject, or specialty.
In the context of media and popular culture, authority is a term that I greatly use. For example, it matters a lot where I am getting daily news. Today, there are numerous sources of news. There are the old or traditional means, with examples, including newspapers, televisions, and radios. There are also current or new media platforms that help to propagate news. Each of these sources claims to have credibility. However, for me, the source of any information I come across matters. On Twitter, for example, I will not believe everything I see trending. Some of the trending topics have been debunked as blatant lies, but millions have been duped into adopting the same as truth. So, I use the concept of authority to interrogate the sources of information and then take an informed stand on whichever topic that is being discussed.
Secondly, the ...
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