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What Does the Population Look Like? Consider Age, Racial Identification, Income, and any other Relevant Characteristics

Essay Instructions:

In this paper you have to utilize approaches from sociology, economics, and Political Science to analyze the following:
Social Structure of the Community: What does the population look like? Consider age, racial identification, income, and any other relevant characteristics. What are the dominant groups? Which groups are in the minority? Why? How do they interact? Thinking more deeply, what issues are particularly relevant or important to these groups of people, or sub-sets of groups within this community?
Local economy: What does this community produce? Are its capabilities matched by its population, or do outsiders commute in? Is there competition amongst the various groups for limited goods? Does the local economy facilitate social mobility? How does the economic situation affect public policy in the community or region (need for social programs, economic assistance, business incentives, etc.)?
Politics and Governance: What regimes exist (e.g., local government, chambers of commerce, development boards, etc.)? What local political units exist (school districts, police departments, etc.)? How do structures of government interact with the social and economic structures of the community (i.e., who governs? Who produces what? Who profits?)? According to your opinion, is the community well governed? How do you know?
Place in the World: What opportunities and challenges exist as a local political community within the broader global community? In other words, how will this community adapt to a global world? What can it offer and what are its challenges? Are the social, political, and economic variables in place to help the community to adapt to a global environment and changing markets? What is the impact of globalization on your community, on the operation of the dominant economies and markets, and on societal behavior (e.g., on class structure, on gender, on the family, on the worker, etc.)
Although you can get much of the information for your profile over the internet, you are required to obtain a live interview (in-person or telephone) with an elected official or candidate for elected office in your jurisdiction. One question in your interview will be, “how does LOWER PROVIDENCE depend on the broader global community, how does it benefit it, and how might it be threatened by it?” The object of your interview is to identify the challenges and opportunities facing the locality and its residents.
CONCLUSION – be sure to discuss how each of the three elements (i.e., the social, political, and economic structures) relates to the present and future prospects of this jurisdiction. Which best explains the current situation? What can each offer, and what are the limits of each?
Please note that a good paper does not only draw on different disciplinary approaches, but also makes an attempt to integrate them. For example, it is not enough to simply describe the community’s social, economic, and political structures; you need to also analyze how these structures interact (i.e., how do different groups compete for economic goods and how is this competition facilitated or impeded by political structures; what is the relationship between public policy and group and/or economic structures)? DO NOT PRESENT A RUNDOWN OF DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND STATISTICS AS FILLER! The goal of the paper is to discuss the attributes of a place, not the results of a census. If you feel it is relevant, you may certainly state that an area is “diverse,” “has a higher-than-average household income,” etc., but don’t bore us with a recitation of the municipality’s city-data.com page!
You must cite all sources of paraphrased, referenced, and quoted material that you use in your profile. Both websites and interview require the date of access of the sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation:
The primary intent of this paper is to conduct a study on the Municipality of Lower Providence Pennsylvania with the aim of giving a clear understanding of the social, economic and political aspects of this region (Osborne & Stephen pp. 59.et al). The paper will also conduct a live interview with one of the elected officials within the above mentioned jurisdiction to determine some of the sensitive elements such as the manner in which lower providence depend on the broader global community, how it benefits this community and how this threatens the community. The primary aim of this study is directed towards disclosing the challenges and opportunities that are exhibited in this community and that affect the local residents.
Social Structure of the Community
The Lower Providence municipality of Pennsylvania is home to 22,390residents with 98% of this population living in the urban areas and 2% of the same population living in the rural. The males constitute close to 52.9% of the population thus amounting to 11, 835 males and the females constituting 47.1% of the entire population that is close to 10, 555 (Osborne & Stephen pp. 59.et al). The median age of the females stands at 37.6% of this population while that of their counterparts amounting to 36.5%. This consequently depicts the fact that the population is heavily populated by women.
Additionally, this population is comprised of 85.2% of the white non-Hispanics, 7.2% of the Black race, 0.1% of the American Indians and the Alaskan natives, and 4.6% of the Asians, 0.1% of native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders respectively. The racial makeup of the township stands at 86.26% that is comprised of the Whites, 7.25% of the African Americans, 0.11 Native Americans, 4.67 Asians, 0.1 % of the Pacific Islanders, 1, 04% that is comprised of other races and the Hispanic and Latinos constituting 2.10% of the population (Pethers & Matthew. pp. 707, 2016).
Additionally, the household size of this township stands at 2.75% with an estimated median household income of $81, 527. This municipality was first inhibited by Lenni- Lenape tribe that was a native tribe of the Native Americans (Pethers & Matthew, pp. 707, 2016).The dominant groups of this township are the White non-Hispanics with the minority group being the Asians. The White non-Hispanics primarily dominate this region since this is their historic homeland that was captured after the early European settlers were displaced. These groups consequently interact with each other through social and cultural structures of the region.Some of the issues that are relevant for this population remain in the expansion of the community. This has seen the growth of the community into a developmental society that is populated by farmers for the growth and economic viability of the municipality.
Local Economy
The economy of this township is primarily boosted by families that engage in businesses. The Lower Providence Township has provided a safe and productive environment to the community that is favorable for conducting business. The town also engages in agricultural products with most of the firms owned by families (Riggleman-Thomas & Katherine. Pp. 425 2016). The capabilities of the town are matched by the population with the outsiders given the opportunity to commute in the activities of the town. The town’s residential growth remains one that is compatible with the existing pattern of the town.
The town’seconomic wealth can be captured by income per capita. Income per capita in this case describes the economy of Lower Providence and reflects the living standards that enable the sharing of the resources required in order to enhance living (Riggleman-Thomas & Katherine. Pp. 425). The townships resources such as health infrastructures, schools and public amenities are limited, a factor that has resulted in competition amongst the groups. This has seen the leadership of this town engage in public and private saving in order to generate the future income and resources.
The local economy of this township facilitates social mobility through the development of innovation that increases the income inequality within the region, a factor that fosters social mobility (Schadewald & Michael pp. 21). Technical innovation allows the business entities within this town increase their technological advantage that allows the entrepreneurs to reduce their demands for labor. The economic situation of this town affects public policies within this community cons...
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