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Progerssive Report on the Debate of School Uniforms

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: A. To determine your on where you are in in terms of your Research Paper. B. To force you to acknowledge how far along you are. PROGRESSIVE REPORT REQUIRMENTS: A. A written Progress Report consists of the following: `1. The tentative thesis statement for the research paper. 2. A section discussing the research you have already completed. 3. A section discussing your main argumentative points and the amin counter-argument. This is the requirement that am suppose to be included in my progress report. The this my research paper please depending on my research paper try to write good Progressive Report for me. If you need more information you can get it from your website,. it is in there. School Uniforms Should public school students be allowed to make individual decisions about clothing, or should all students be required to wear a uniform? School uniforms have for a long time been a norm in many public and private schools. Various school districts have started to realize the importance of adopting uniform requirements. These requirements have been the subjected of a heated debate for students in favor of wearing a uniform. Uniform policy is important because more often parent does not make appropriate judgement on the right attire for their children while attending school. Students’ fights often break out due to some students making fun of their peer’s dress attire in a situation where there is no standard uniform. With the uniform policy, students usually take pride in their appearance rather than what they are wearing because they wear the same clothes. In this regard, there would be a significant reduction in the arguments and fights that arise because of making fun of a fellow student’s clothing attire. I remember when I was Ethiopia in middle school, I did not want to buy expensive clothes or keep up with the current fashion trends, and I didn’t pay attention when my friends were talking about clothes.

I felt like I did not belong, but I did not want to buy expensive clothing just to feel included by friends. Even though, a students’ individuality is important to express one’s self, uniforms should be adopted in all public schools because they benefit low income families, Changing feeling of student, change the overall academic performance, create the unity among the students and collective pride, it encourage the students to develop good habits, help to prevent latest competition among the students, help focus students on learning, uniform is warm enough in the cold, and contributes student safety and security. [Topic sentence should express main point.] There are considerations beyond the behavior of the students and performance that schools should make when deciding whether or not to adopt a given dress code policy. More specifically, opponents of school uniforms argue that a strict dress code impose financial hardships while restricting student’s rights.

Even though wearing school uniforms by students has some sensible disadvantages like imposing extra financial burdens on parents to purchase uniforms for their children other than just their home clothes, there are more benefits of students wearing uniforms than the little extra financial burden it imposes on the parents. While schools may provide subsidies to families with a low income, the remaining share of costs may still be prohibitive for these familes (Sowell 18). It is however important to note that school uniforms are just not a part of the cost of education. The opponents also argue that school uniforms not a good proposal. In contrast with their ideas, schools uniforms would help make all students feel equal and comfortable. People’s standards of living different greatly, and some people are wealthy while others are not. According to Harold Mitchell, implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all the students look the same regardless of their financial status. School uniforms would promote pride and help to raise the self-esteem of students who cannot afford to wear stylish clothing. School uniforms also cost-effective. Many families are struggling in today’s economy and trying to save as much money as they can. I think all students can afford school uniforms. Students who do not wear uniforms have to wear different clothes at least twice a week. On the other hand, students who wear school uniforms have to purchase uniforms only once in a year. Research also showed students feeling [which feelings?] about uniforms. In Nevada, 1, 350 students were interviewed at seventh and eighth grades (Wilde 6). 90% of the respondent students indicated their dislike to wearing uniforms. Different statistics, however, showed very different results. For example, 54% of all respondent students felt that wearing uniforms gave them an identity as opposed to casual clothes. Another 50% of the students reported that uniforms helped their families save money that would otherwise be used to buy extra clothing. Another 41% of the students reported that wearing uniforms contributed in reduction of gang activities among students within their schools compared to when there were no uniforms. Discipline referrals were found to be 10% down at schools with another 63% less police log reports related to fights, graffiti, and gang related practices, according to data in schools and police stations compared before and after uniforms were adopted in Nevada public schools (Wilde 14). When students wear uniforms, much effort will be shifted towards academics, but not discipline problems.

Therefore, students will have the opportunity to improve their overall academic performance. Wearing school uniform in public schools, particularly in the U.S. has been a hot debate dragging for long. Research has shown that uniforms have helped to improve the students’ school attendance rate, proficiency pass rates and their graduation rate in 64 public high schools that were sampled in Ohio. The research showed that uniform was an important factor in influencing the findings shown, but it was difficult to relate the effect of uniforms to academic performance improvement due to complex factors like changing curriculum, teaching style and instructional methodology (Wilde 7). . Those people who were against public schools uniform argues that a uniform limits students freedom of expression and does not create diversity. They believe uniforms restrict learners. This point holds some merit about uniforms. However, school is a place to educate students, not the place to express oneself by changing clothes daily. According to Susan MacLeod, school uniforms influence students to act with responsibility in groups and as individuals. Uniforms give students the message that school is a special place for learning. In addition, uniforms create a feeling of unity among students. For example, when students do something as a group, such as attend meetings in the school or eat lunch in the cafeteria, the fact that they all wear the same uniform would create a sense of community (Macleod 1). Society must decide if individual expression through clothing is more valuable than improved educational performance. It is important to remember that school uniforms would be worn only during school hours. Students can express their individuality in the way they dress outside of the classroom.

[Topic sentence should explain the main point of each paragraph: good habits, professionalism, and lack of hostility when wearing the same thing.] Opponents argues that uniforms are boring with same clothes and same color every day. I do not agree with this statement. Uniforms are good for learning environment in school. This is based on the fact that students worried about the way they dress, thus focusing more on school work, as opposed to a new fashion trend. Actually, sticking to given uniform may not be always easy, but the more a person does it, the easier it becomes as it simply translates into a habit. Ensuring that one’s uniform is ready each morning requires preparation, responsibility and time management skills. These attributes become habitual with and are reflected in other aspects of life. In essence, every school should strive to encourage and instill good habits in their students and getting students to stick to a customary schedule is one way of ensuring that they become responsible in matters not only related to their education but also their general life. Further, school uniforms help to prepare students for summer jobs, most of which require them to wear workplace uniforms. According to Caruso, “Uniforms also make pride among the student as they relate in a professional manner they take their school work seriously” (Caruso 1). On the other hand, even though a uniform can get boring with same clothes and same color every day, uniforms have proven to lower hostility in many schools. For example, causal clothing distracts learning because teenagers especially, care too much, on how others see them. Casual clothing is of course a way to express one’s personality, but this could also influence others make wrong choices. Choice of clothing for poorer students is a big issue, as fashion trends would influence students’ behavior. Therefore, if uniforms were applied, students would not be distracted on how they look all the as well as helping students improve their focus on learning by developing a team work and loyalty to each other. Without distracting clothes, students start to care about the school more and are thinkers that are definitely more positive because they do not need not worry about how they look to others, as long as they feel good about themselves (MacLeod 1). Uniform also help to prevent competition among the students. Peer pressure happens nearly among all people, but is higher among teenagers and it can be seen as the part of a person over which one has limited control. The media and advertisements have always taken advantage of this nature of people. Peer pressure is when students bow to demands to conform to the the trending demands of their peer’s lifestyle like fashion. Some of the students express the peer pressure by demanding the latest clothing fashion from their parents. Consequently, parents end up spending a lot of money to buy expensive clothing, which soon afterwards go out of fashion and the trend continues. School uniforms, therefore, are a way of overcoming the social pressure and enable the students to wear modest clothes without putting much emphasis on trendy clothing, rather get focus education (Atkins $ Scholosberg 1).

Students are thus stressed and can spend adequate time to get a sound sleep, as they do not have to spend much time worrying about what to wear to school the next day. Uniforms make it conceivable that people’s character and values are more important than their appearance based on what they are wearing (Forbes 26). Opponents also argue that uniforms cannot help students focus on learning. However, [This is the topic sentence. >>>>] in addition to uniforms make better students unity, they also help students focus on learning. For example, Clothing distracts learning because teenagers, especially, care too much about how others see them. Clothing is of course a way to express one’s personality, but this could also influence others to make wrong choices. Choice of clothing for these poorer students is a big issue because they don’t have enough money to buy fashionable clothes. I support that if uniforms were worn, students would not be distracted on how they look all the time. It improve students’ focus on learning by developing a team work and loyality to each other. According to Macleod, “Without distracting clothes, students start to care about the school more and are definitely more positive thinkers because they do not need to worry about how they look to others, as long as they feel good about themselves” (MacLeod 1). Uniforms also help in increasing the student’s self-esteem because if their peers prejudge them poor quality clothes in a school environment, they may develop low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is often quite destructive on a student’s growth and development and it has a long-term impact on one’s adult life within the society. Uniforms are thus a means of eliminating the prejudice since it would be difficult for peer students to tell the economic status of one (Caruso 84). A case in point is the New York schools that consider uniforms as a way of boosting students’ self-esteem while at primary levels. Uniforms help to promote conformity and to school goals as experts agree that clothing and physical appearance has an effect on an individual’s behavior within a group (LaPoint, Holloman & Alleyne 33). According to Caruso (85), uniforms give a sense of belonging and unity, which consequently boosts a student’s self-esteem. Morale and discipline are therefore instilled when students wear uniforms. Incidents of disputes, fight are reduced and there is more class attendance.

Again, the students learn team work and professionalism as it is in the outside world. Many companies and work force have a dress code like the Postal system of the U.S. and the McDonalds where staffs dress in a particular way. Students wearing uniforms is therefore a good way of preparing them for a future responsible. Opponents also argue that School uniform it may not take into consideration the dangerous weather changes. For instance, school uniforms may not be warm enough in the cold. Many schools choose their uniforms based comprehensive research concerning changing weather patterns. . It is appropriate to advise students accordingly on what to wear when they are travelling to other places hence the problem of weather factor is not significant.If a student made a mistake, he or she can easily get away with it by hiding among other students. Some opponents to school uniforms feel that school shoes are uncomfortable at times and make the feet achy and itchy. Even though wearing school uniforms by students has some sensible disadvantages. There are more benefits of students wearing uniforms than the little extra burden. Wearing uniforms has a number of benefits to the student ranging from safety and security to more concentration of their academic work (Wilde 8). Wearing uniforms has a number of benefits to the student ranging from safety and security to more concentration of their academic work (Wilde 8). The last reason of the opponents is that imposing a strict dress code or school uniform will not reduce violence. [Topic sentence. >>>] School uniforms have been shown to reduce the rate of victimization, enable school administrators and faculties to manage attendance, reduce bad behavior among students and encourage positive attitudes. School Uniforms provide direct improvement to the safety of the students by allowing administration to identity unauthorized people in the school compound. Further, they help to prevent the use of gang colors as well as insignia. Cases of theft are also reduced given the fact students do not bring expensive clothing and jewels to theschool (Sowell 18). For instance, in gang prone areas where one is vulnerable just because of wearing a given color, imposing a dress code policy helps in creating a neutral atmosphere in the learning institution. School Uniforms also help to instill respect for authority which by extension helps reduce classroom disruption and improve students’ behavior. Therefore, the government through its organs such as local school districts, state authorities and individual schools has the mandate to decide which uniform policy to adopt (Roguski 5).

Wearing uniforms at schools lies in the hands of the education authorities and it can either be voluntary or compulsory depending on the decision taken by the school district. So, a good learning environment is needed for a good disciplined school. Both teachers and students require feeling safe within a learning environment, and students need to be taught educational values like good citizenship and responsibility. With increased student’s violence in schools, there is a need for all stakeholders, particularly the parents, teachers and school administration to see the need for adopting a school uniform policy as a creative and positive approach of ensuring reduced violence issue I support that uniforms should be worn in all public schools because because uniforms make students feel comfortable build a confidence and unity among themselves as they study. Uniforms also improve students’ focus in learning by developing a a sense of belonging ,ambassadorship and loyalty to school. For example, when students have a class discussion they feel happy and focus on their discussion because all students are wearing uniforms. People would be noticed for who they are as individuals rather than for what they are wearing. Some people say that uniforms limit student’s individual freedom . However, wearing school uniform would reduce many problems like gangs forming among students, improving student’s safety, improve grades due to less distractions, and foster a disciplined modes behavior. A school is not a fashion show, School is a place where students get knowledge and prepare for their future and helps them get into the college. If only I had uniforms when I was in middle school, I could have focused on what was important rather than expensive clothes. This is what should be included in my progressive report: The tentative thesis statement for the research paper which I already sent to you guys. Even though students' individuality is important to express one's self, uniforms should be adopted in all public schools from grades one to twelve. A section discussing my main argumentative points and the main counter-argument.The time I expend to do this research paper more than a month,the problem I phased and help of my instructor by providing different resources. should be included. Thank you.

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Progressive Report
The debate of school uniforms has raised mixed reactions from different people, students, parents and stakeholders in schools. There are those who support the debate that public school students should wear school uniforms whereas there is a section opposing. Therefore, what are the pros and cons of this issue and what stand should public schools take? It is a norm for school students to identify themselves by wearing school uniform, both in public and in private schools. This research paper seeks to find out if schools should ban school uniforms, as it is an old practice or continue it since it gives students a sense of identity.
Theoretical and empirical literature reveals that there are advantages and disadvantages to students and parents for wearing school uniform. This research paper has explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages. For instance, many proposers argue that uniforms give students an identity hence security and helps them focus on education rather than latest fashion trends in clothing. Many parents and stakeholders who are proposers argue that it is cost effective and gives students time to study. Opponents, who are mostly students, think that it is a traditional practice that should be abolished and wearing them is not cost-effective to parents. The paper has discussed this in detail ci...
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