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Human Rights: Turkey Academics Jailed for Signing Petition

Essay Instructions:

I need a 4 page essay on two topics from the human rights watch explaining the cause and effect relatioship as well as a video about the topic uploaded, now I have found a few topics, such as 1)dispatches ethiopian pastor pays the penalty for speaking out. (hrw) 2)Egypt Reverse blaspheny sentences against christian children. 3) Turkey academics jailed for signing petetion . those are just some topic i ran accross by all means use any topic you all think would make the essay perfect. I also need four sources. and i need a introduction with a thesis body paragraghs with topic sentences and supporting details and a conclusion paragragh . source must include a video, audio,interviw,websites,articles and books just some examples. may use NCLIVE per teahcer request.

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There is a universal consensus that all people have entitlement to basic human rights. They include political and civil liberties. The most important of them is the right to life and safety. These rights are an articulation of the need for tolerance, justice, human dignity, and mutual respect. Human right protection means that people receive a degree of decent and humane treatment. Violating these rights means that people are less human who do not deserve respect or dignity. Governments implement these rights and since they have unrestrained power, there is need for mutual global agreement to protect human rights. International law has underlying laws that prohibit human rights violations and has the notion that they apply universally.
Therefore, policies of one country can adversely affect human rights in another county or support them. In the U.S there is the right to freedom of speech and the rule of law. In Turkey, the right to speech has caused students and lecturers their freedom. In Turkey, three academics were jailed for signing a peace petition. The court termed them as terrorists making propaganda. Universities suspended twenty-seven students and lecturers while others suspended thirty others.
Turkey Academics Jailed for Signing Petition
The academics signed the petition to protest against President Erdogan’s campaign against academics. Therefore, those who signed the peace petition got themselves in jail, got suspended or dismissed from universities. A human watch researcher declared that the course of action violated their rights to free speech and the rule of law. The students have accused the government of deploying the military to violate human rights of the Kurds in the South. The actions of the government breach international law where the military deports and massacres the Kurds.
The policy to remove by deportation the Kurds in the south and massacre caused students and academics to petition against the government and military. These academics face threats of intimidations violation of their rights to free movement, right of association, and freedom of speech. In addition, fellow students and lecturers directly threatened those who signed the petition denying them the right to work or study.
The ruling party in Turkey violates the rule of law and greatly undermines judicial independence. Civil deaths and multiple violation of human rights shows the increasing breakdown of peace process and military conflict with civilians. Policies in international law allow citizens of a different country to seek protection and asylum in another. Turkey hosts over two million Syrian refugees. A majority of these cannot access basic human necessities such as education or employment. Turkey is the main route for these refugees to seek asylum in other countries in the European Union. The country has put strict border restrictions and visa requirements impede Syrians from getting protection in Turkey.
Therefore, the policies that caused civil unrest in the south carried an effect to the larger Turkish nation. As the government decides to deport them or massacre others, it causes an uproar from academics for the government to stop, which causes them their basic human rights. Since international law applies when there is mutual agreement, the unrestricted power of the government often has higher authority. There are various amendments that need adding to the Turkish law as many still restrict freedom of speech among others. The government quotes articles in the penal code prohibiting insults to the government.
Ethiopian Pastor Sentenced for Speaking Out.
Another restriction to human rights is in the case of the Ethiopian government ...
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