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Civilization and a Specific Individual or a Specific Type

Essay Instructions:

English Composition Prompt from my English Instructor:
In Sigmund Freud's book “Civilization and Its Discontents”, we have read (Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8) that address how Sigmund Freud believes civilization and the individual are at odds with one another. Freud suggests such conflicts arise through a pleasure principle that cannot be fulfilled, a suffering that cannot be avoided, and/or an "art of living" that clings too tightly to the external world. The individual becomes too engulfed in the demands of civilization, and out of the want of love, of family, and often a desire to be part of the "totemic culture," he or she permits the super-ego to rule the conscience, wherein instinct can become subdued.
Here’s your Essay Writing Task: Write a thesis-driven essay of 5 full pages analyzing one way in which civilization and a “specific individual” or a “specific type” of individual seem to be in conflict, using Freud (what you have read in the Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the book) and at least two more additional outside sources to support your analysis.
Here are tips you should use to write your 5 full page essay:
Start by simply asking yourself the ways in which civilization imposes its expectations upon us. How we live, what we eat, and whom we associate with are broad beginnings, or ways. You are looking for “one” way, so you need to be more specific.
For example, looking at how some people are not permitted to live outside of their own culture because of an ongoing prejudice against those who are "different" is a start, but it's still too general. Who are these people? What is "different" about them? Who, in particular, has to face and process such daunting bias?
So, you get deeper. These people are homosexuals. But this is still too big because homosexuals are a big group. You need to get deeper. Since one's personal culture is often a heavy influence, what might be the challenges a gay individual faces within his or her own particular culture? The only difference is a choice of partner. This difference often a qualifier "forces" this person to sacrifice personal happiness to meet the demands of his or her culture… that’s one argument (one essay). Or the individual chooses to put personal happiness first and confronts cultural demands and deals with whatever ridicule he/she has to face… that's another argument (one essay). Or he or she realizes that cultural demands and personal fulfillment will never achieve acceptable compromise and departs to find a more acceptable community “civilization” in which to live happily... that, too is another argument (one essay).
In other words, be as specific as you can with a specific individual or specific type of individual has to face. Based on the example above, regardless of the choice or argument, the writer would identify a “specific person” (perhaps someone even known by name) from a specific culture (race, class, lineage, environment, etc... also identified by name).
Essay guidelines:
#1. Remember to make a good thesis statement and your points very clear. 
#2. Your outside sources must be valid. No web blogs, obscure websites, or dictionaries. Think more like news, journals, books, etc... (Make sure any web sources you do use are written by noted journalist, experts in the field, etc. and not some unknown journalist with an opinion.) You also must incorporate them effectively and consistently life for example you must be sufficient and relevant. 
#3. In addition, to your use of Sigmund Freud; the rule of thumb is “at least one means of support”, “quote” or “paraphrase” per point that you have in your essay because only two to four quotes in a paper of this magnitude and depth will not be sufficient.
#4. Remember you can’t write about Adolf Hitler, Homosexuality, Religion, or Yourself.
1). I don’t know what “specific individual” or “specific type of individual” to choose from for this essay but I was thinking more like one of the following controversial egotistic people like “OJ Simpson” the famous NFL football player, or “Zlatan Ibrahimovic” the famous soccer player, or “Charles Manson” the famous serial killer. 
2). This essay must be 5 full pages with the Font called “Times New Roman” and 1 inch margins all around.
Here is the English book I'm using in my English course starting with the ISBN number it’s ISBN 0-393-30451-5
The book is called “Civilization and Its Discontents” by Sigmund Freud. Standard Edition. New York: W.W Norton and Company.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Civilization has changed the way that people think and act in the society. From the time that man was living in the have to what we have today and organized societies with culture and structures to guide the common man in a dynamic environment, there have been a lot of steps in the right direction. People no longer have to hunt for food and live in dysfunctional environments for lack of or deficiency in the skills to live comfortably. However, that is the least of the concerns that people have had to deal with for the longest time. While civilization is seen to be the stepping stone into the future from the current growth that has developed over the years (Gray). There are some elements that are a concern and ones that redefine the way civilization interacts with the individual. It is undeniable that, civilization is the cause of the order and social systems in place today, from the family units to the government institutions that exist across the world. This is better understood from Sigmund Freud theories. Freud was one of the influential thinkers of the twentieth century and also had professional skills as a doctor, physiologist, psychologist and most importantly father of psychoanalysis who lived through 1865 and 1939. Freud, brings to the attention of the readers of his book ‘Civilization and Its Discontents’, the disconnect that exists between the individual and civilization (Freud, 60). Ideally, civilization has created standards and norms that every other person is supposed to abide by in order for them to be considered civilized and consequently cultures in the ways of the society where they live. It is this element of forcing people to act in a certain way that causes conflicts in the individuals. This paper evaluates the life of OJ Simpsons, an actor, broadcaster and most importantly an American footballer turned felon.
Thesis statement: civilization does not bring growth for the individual, as it sets them to follow a certain path that is limiting and largely creates stereotypes, with society form notions about individuals.
In the society, there are standards of what is considered to be normal and this aspects sets apart all the other aspects that fall outside this predetermined group. Over the years civilization has set out standards that establish what a culture considers to be culture. Other than the fact that people are forced to conform to the said standards, they also are also judged along the set out standards. From the family unit, there are set of standards that one is supposed to follow. This also follows, when one if a member of the larger society as there are standards that determine what everyone in the society should do and not do.
‘It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement. (Freud, 11)’
As such, over the years, the standards have been used to set up structure in the society to make it organized into units all of which are governed by the set out norms. From the structures that are set out, the people are engulfed in predetermined conditions of living. Anyone that acts different from what is considered normal is branded if they do not face punishment through various means. Other than acting different, being different comes with the same sentence.
What is most interesting is that, people have become too accustomed with the cultures that have been formed out of the civilization processes, which they all want to belong. No one wants to be odd one out, as they may face the consequences of being segregated ("O.J. Simpson Biography").
‘In the animal kingdom we hold to the view that the most highly developed species have proceeded from the lowest; and yet we find all the simple forms still in existence to-day.’ (Freud,15)
In a society that is largely driven by norms, people literally struggle to belong. To become part of something bigger than themselves. In the case of OJ Simpsons, there are elements that indicate the elemental segregation that African Americans have faced over time.
African Americans, have for the longest time struggled to become part of the American society. Even with the various developments in the legal system, there are social differences that set them apart. The african Americans find themselves in a society that largely predominated by the white culture, all the slaves that came to America were transformed by the ...
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