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Write a Local (Harrisburg) Problem and Policy Solution.

Essay Instructions:

Write a Local (Harrisburg) Problem and Policy Solution. Just write the Topic and Thesis- problem, solution, and Audience.

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Local Problem and solution
Problem Description
Violation of child and women rights has become rampant in society. They suffer violence and abuse both physically and mentally. Children have been deprived of their childhood, where they no longer attend school but only work as laborers in their homes. Women are no longer partners in marriage but slaves to their husbands. Men deny women the right to equality, security, dignity, self-worth and freedom of expression. Violence against children and women is because of negligence from local authorities, lack of local activists and heartless parents (Khan2). Every individual has a sole duty to shun violation of child and women rights in any setting. Children and women abuse is a severe local issue, and numerous solutions can be implemented to stop the violence.
Problem Analysis
Children are the most affected because of their powerless nature. Children have been condemned to a life of poverty and want. They have become slaves in their homes. Parents have abandoned their sole duty of educating and providing their children with basic needs, and as a result, children are forced to engage in tasks that provide them with basic wants (Khan 6). Other kids are taking drugs while others live on the streets because of their parent’s laxity. Even at schools, teachers have forgotten their roles to educate children, and instead, schools have become luxury areas for students to engage in immoral acts such as drug abuse and trafficking.
Women are also under threat within the community. Because of the gender inequality, the society undermines the potential of women. In everything women pursue successfully, people tend to believe there must be a second party involved. Women are expected to remain submissive and obedient, and when they fail to do this, they are termed as outcasts and irrespective (Sirin and Donald 8). Even when men mishandle women, people see this as a normal way of life. This has made people more violent towards women since they have no one to turn to. Early marriages and premature pregnancy highly contribute to the abuse of women. Young girls are becoming women with no knowledge of their roles or rights in a wedding. Poor marriage laws also lead to the violation of women rights since a man gets more power than the wife does and as a result, men treat women as slaves.
Policy Solution
The fight against violation of child and women rights needs an urgent solution. Strengthening of law enforcement should be a high priority. Regional councils and law enforcers should implement stern measures to anyone violating these rights. Their reluctant to act is the reason why people freely mistreat small kids and women (Sirin and Donald 12). Once they show their seriousness on the issue, people will avoid any confrontation with them. They should also monitor all activities within the society. Monitoring will help detect vulnerable children and women and as a result, preventing them from any abuse. People in the community should also volunteer to be human right activists. They should condemn these extreme ...
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