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Identity Theft and Ways to Protect Oneself Research

Essay Instructions:

Using a word processor and citing your work, write an 800-word essay.
The topic is Identity Theft. What is it and how do you protect yourself?
Reminder: Cite all of your work. Non-cited papers are not graded.

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Identity Theft and Ways to Protect Oneself.
Identity theft can be described as all the processes and methods that culminate in the loss of one’s personal information. The processes involved here can be either misinformation, deception or outright scams, while the personal information that can be lost in this case includes passwords, credit card information, one’s usernames as well as bank details and health information. Such information is usually stolen and used against one’s will, or even without one’s knowledge. For example, a fraudster can steal one’s credit card and go on a shopping spree, while another can steal one’s bank details to draw large sums of money from the bank account with such details. Knowing about identity theft is one thing, coming up with ways and measures to avoid it, is another. There are a number of ways that one can use to avoid suffering the vice. This paper looks at ways to avoid identity theft.
Protect Online Information
The technological era continues to push people and the world in general, towards a paperless environment. Transactions are now more in form of passwords and logins, and even banking has gone online. Virtually all modes of payment have an online platform. This poses a risk when it comes to the security of these passwords. As a way of protection, one needs to ensure that these passwords and logins are completely cleared from the system after usage, especially if it is a public computer. This can be done by clearing the cache. Additionally, one needs to always change the password periodically to ensure that details are never that static (Stickley).
One also needs to be careful when it comes to the threat of phishing. These programs usually mimic real systems such as bank portals and logins, in such a way that one can be duped into logging through them. To avoid such, it is important to always look at the link on the browser, to ascertain it is a genuine one. While still at it, there is need to create very strong passwords through good character combinations that would be difficult for someone to hack or crack.
Monitoring Statements
It is usually important to always keep track of the bank and credit card statements every time. This is to ascertain that there are no irregularities and unusual transactions that might go unnoticed. These monitor steps are usually so important when it comes to tracking any withdrawals made on the card or account without one’s permission. Sometimes, if one isn’t careful, such small withdrawals might go unnoticed. Subsequently, it is important to always monitor one’s credit card report by periodically requesting for it from the relevant authorities.
While connecting to the internet has become more of a norm for everyone, most of the time people tend to forget about their online presence. During such times, leakage is very easy. The best way to avoid this is by the use of malware and firewalls, which prevent system attacks via backdoors and such. These software’s help to ensure that one can access the internet safely.Anti-virus software should also be used, since they help in preventing security breaches, especially from viruses such as Trojans (Weisman).
Online Presence
In this age where social media is the go-to place when looking for anything ranging from news to entertainment, more and more information is being shared by people. At the same time, more and more people are easily tracked via their social media sites. This is because a lot of individuals nowadays tend to share more about themselves than possibly required. It is important for one to avoid sharing too much personal information on these social media sites, as it can also result in security breaches and hence ...
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