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Position Paper About True And Real Happiness

Essay Instructions:

Position paper. Prompt is given and write 2 pages response. These responses will take the form of position paper in which you will choose a position and build a logical and evidence-based argument to support your position. Position paper must be typed, Times New Roman 12 pt font, and double-spaced.
Position Prompt: Why are we so bad at predicting what will make us happy? To what extent is happiness even within our control?
Required Readings.
Martin E.P. Seligman. 2002. Authentic Happiness. New York: Free Press.
Barbara Ehrenreich. 2009. Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking has Undermined America. New York: Metropolitan Books.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The pursuit of happiness has risen to become one of the most sort after aspect of life by a majority of the people around the world. Religious leaders, scholars, teachers, and other motivational speakers have embarked on an apparent intense mission to spread the message of happiness through both conventional and unconventional ways. Happiness has become the ultimate prize for a life well-lived. However, achieving this very elusive and important aspect of life remains to be a puzzle for many due to the confusion involved in its definition and the measurement parameters. It is a common belief among a majority of the population that happiness is directly proportional to prosperity in life and vice versa. On the contrary, it is the same inaccurate assumption that denies most chance to experience true happiness in life (Ehrenreich). It is right to be ambitious or work hard to prosper financially or in other aspects of life but doing so in the hope of receiving happiness as a reward for successfully gaining the prosperity intended is indeed misguided.
The key to true and real happiness is bestowed within each and every human being. The path to happiness lies in a person’s ability to develop through a three-dimensional process that demands total commitment to embracing positivity throughout a person’s life (Seligman 2002, pg.61). The journey to happiness begins with a person’s ability to make peace with their past experiences, being hopeful of the future, and enjoying their present time irrespective of the current circumstances. A person who is at peace with their past accepts the mistakes and learn from the repercussions of their course of action. The hopefulness o...
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