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Pros And Cons Of The Texas Political Economy Research

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Please consider that the class I am taking is Texas Government. Thank you.

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Pro and Cons of Texas Political Economy
Pro of Texas Political Economy
The geographical and demographic nature of Texas has encouraged the growth of the economy. This growth has been encouraged by the presence of local boundaries where trade and immigration is encouraged. Mexico being close to Texas has been a contributing factor on immigration of people to Texas. In addition, it has resulted to rapid population growth, thus resulting to job growth, adequate goods and services supply, and creating business opportunities and jobs in public and private sectors in Texas (Johnson & McNichol). Small scale businesses near Texas border has been promoted due to NAFTA economic activity brought to Mexicans. Population growth and immigration has played a contributing factor in growth of economy. This is due to high population birth rate that has raised cultural and social-economic factors.
It is considered that Texas has the largest flat land that people purchase at low cost from the government. This highly encourages the citizens to construct the houses and start business premises in Texas (Johnson &McNichol). Due to availability of land, Texas government has come up with lending regulations of low housing prices and reduce taxations thus encouraging low cost of living to citizens.
Texas has shown proper management of the gas and oil resources available. Due to the presence of these valuable resources, the economy has been boosted at a high rate of growth. Oil and gas industries emerged at a higher percentage as compared to other nations. Industrialization has resulted to 0.36 percent increase in employment hiring of more workers and purchasing of more equipment that will aid in production of more oil (Johnson &McNichol). The energy sector has profited from development of Eagle Ford and Barnett shale bonds that are in charge of natural gas and oil. Texas highly benefits from the profit made out from sale of oil at higher prices.

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