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Hobbes, Locke, Miller Arguments on Individual Rights vs Modern Notion of Social Justice

Essay Instructions:

In On Liberty, Mill places a great deal of importance on individual liberty. Describe what he means by individual liberty, and discuss how individual liberty might conflict with public opinion. (Be as specific as possible
Hobbes, Locke and Mill have argued for the importance of individual rights. Describe what each thinker means by individual rights/liberty, and discuss how these ideas compare to our modern notion of social justice.
Each response should be 1 page each

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Hobbes Locke and Miller
* In On Liberty, Mill places a great deal of importance on individual liberty. Describe what he means by individual liberty, and discuss how individual liberty might conflict with public opinion. (Be as specific as possible
Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty” places great emphasis on individual liberty. According to him, individual liberty is the ability to pursue our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede [obstruct] their efforts to obtain it. For example, he encourages drug legalization because he feels that state should not block people from consuming wat they find suitable to them and at their own risk. Individual liberty is also more about the importance of man and the act of giving man the full freedom to human nature to expand itself in the most innumerable and conflicting directions. It is for this reason that he feels that centralizing political power and having roads, rail, business, and universities belong to the state limits freedom. Limited freedom cannot warrant man the ability to arrive at choices, consent, and attain the disirable individuality. Democracy if allowed will create a a system where the state can promote a free press and democratic government but in the long term this will sabotages freedom. Mill further argues that social organizations such as socialism poses great risk to economic prosperity and must not be allowed to thrive. Individual liberty nonetheless conflicts greatly with public opinion. Individual liberty pursuing indivividu...
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