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Hate Crimes

Essay Instructions:

I need a essay based on the essay assignment below. I will attach the websites to consider for this paper. HATE CRIMES PAPER ASSIGNMENT Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to think about the history, dynamics and consequences of contemporary hate groups (e.g., American Skinheads, White Aryan Resistance, etc.). Requirements: The International Commission on Human Rights needs your help. They have contacted you and requested a brief report on types of hate groups found on the Internet. After informing them that it is simply impossible to do justice to the historical and current complexities of hate groups, you nonetheless agree to alert them to some of the most basic and significant things any technologically competent person can discover on the web. In order to do this you will need to examine at least three different “hate group” websites. After looking at these websites and thinking about what you see and read, provide the Commission with a brief report on select hate groups in America. Among other things, you might find it useful to focus on the history of the groups, their contemporary targets, their justifications for their actions, their recruitment strategies, and the place of women and children within these groups and their websites. These are just suggestions, do no limit yourself to these points; you will want to discuss other things that you find on these websites, including links, etc. You must report on a minimum of three websites (from three different groups). The choice of sites is up to you. Secondary sources such as the Southern Poverty Law Center or Anti-Defamation League websites will not be considered sources for this paper; you must examine actual hate group websites. Format: The paper should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages. You must cite your sources in the text of the paper (even if your only sources are the three websites) and you must include a references page. You can use whatever citation style you wish ( MLA, ), but you must cite your sources. Please see attached pdf with list of websites to use for this paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The structural design of the Internet has made it a very dominant instrument for the propagation of hatred in the world. This is because it is available for 24 hours a day and very economical; it also provides obscurity to the users, particularly in the chat rooms and Usenet groups. The Internet has positively altered the quantity and the degree of hatred that is existing to the groups that want to spread their message. At present, a big number of revolutionary groups, as well as hate groups of all manner and anarchistic groups, have therefore taken to cyberspace since it has proved to be very effective in their quest. Although it is not easy to estimate accurately the scope of the rebel existence online, a large number of extremist websites presently subsist, and their numbers continue to grow at a fiery rate (Barnett).
In the past, revolutionary groups used print media, including, magazines, pamphlets, books, posters and newspapers as a medium of propaganda. These extremists have however never failed to utilize emerging forms of electronic communication. They have used short-wave radio and broad-band, videotape, audiotape as well as cable TV to move forward and express their views. The arrival of online extremism in the Internet age is therefore an issue of course. Extremists use email, websites, and online mediums to commune with each other and spread propaganda around the world or in a particular country. With the World Wide Web in use, different materials can be in print to a big worldwide audience very easily, quickly, and cheaply. Adding up to the text available, video, images and sound may be incorporated to augment the visual application and chatty ability of these websites. Amenities such as, newsgroups, email lists, and other forums conducted online, allow extremists with similar motives to meet in cyberspace, hence challenging geographical limits. Extremists could also use emails to threaten specific individuals or nation’s incognito.
The internet has been seen as an astonishing display where different rebel groups find solace to express them as well as accomplish their missions. In the year 1996, a catalog of the real world revolutionary groups and persons was published. By 1997, almost half of the groups and individuals listed on the report had established themselves strongly on the internet. Don Black, a past striking wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and a notorious internet leader of hate, once illustrated the outcome Internet has had on him. He said that it has been of fantastic gain for them and that before; they could only reach people through holding rallies or printing pamphlets. He brags that now it is possible to reach millions within a short time. Don Black is known for having created Stormfront, the initial most important white supremacist website in the year 1997.At the moment, countless other racialist sites that are not different from Don’s creation largely exist. Stormfront can therefore be scrutinized to disclose the character of the large class of sites into which it belongs. This website includes a collection of articles promoting historical, social and political analysis that are consistent with the universal themes of hate and racism found in the site (Margolis and Gerson).
The records found in the Stormfront library includes titles like Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth, “White Power: We’ve Got It,” What World Famous Men Said about the Jews and “Destructive Immigration,” .The Stormfront website holds discussion meetings with titles such as “White Activists, a calendar of future events for “white patriots,” an archive of audio and video clips of public addresses made by well recognized racists, and a compilation of white supremacist graphics. In addition, this site includes a widespread list of associations to other hate-related sites and indicators to hate-related Usenet newsgroups such as alt.skinheads and alt.politics.nationalism.white. Don’s website also links to the websites of associations from ‘the other side’ among them being a link to the (ADL) Anti-Defamation League, which is one of the oldest associations aggressively fighting to repress details harmful to the Jewish Interests. In conclusion, it can be said the Stor...
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