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Smoking Should be Banned in Public Places

Essay Instructions:

This essay should be between 900 and 1000 words. It must include an annotated bibliography (MLA). It has to be a Toulmin essay. The topic is going to be smoking should be banned in public places, and you will be for banning the smoking. This essay must include a minimum of five sources. Three should peer-reviewed sources. You may use eBooks; however, as discussed in your textbook, books generally are not as current as peer-reviewed articles. You may also use primary sources (interviews, statistics, etc); however, these primary sources should be obtained from experts within that field Make sure to include the following sections in your essay: an introduction and claim, background, body, and a conclusion. Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order: support for your claim, opposing or alternate views, scholarly research, and rebuttals. After you have written your essay, please make sure to revise the content of your essay. Lastly, be sure to edit your essay by checking grammar, format, and smaller technical details. Please make sure your essay is written in third person. Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both me and my instructor will receive the results.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Smoking Should Be Banned In the Public Places
Many countries today have taken the bold step to ban the act of smoking in the public places. This is not just for the effect it has on the smokers but also the non-smokers who in these case span from children, pregnant women to other persons that may develop complication due to the habit. Researchers have indicated that the habit is highly associated with the development of cancerous tumour in the smokers and even in the non-smokers. The recent past has seen the rise of the prevalent of the cancer menace and this is just one of the many steps that the various governments are taking to make sure their citizens are mildly affected.
Smoking is an addictive habit that the smokers have developed. As such, they will occasionally feel the urge to light a cigarette regardless of the environment. Other than the fact that the smoke from the cigarettes contains compounds that lead to the deadly cancer disease, cigarettes have also been known to cause fires and accidents where the victims are not just the smokers but also the non-smokers who in this case are always the innocent bystanders. The stiff laws have also been met with stiff objection with one part of the population feeling that they are initiative and retrogressive. Some cite the fact that, the law will also hamper industries like tourism, leave alone the effect the laws will have on the massive taxes that are collected from the tobacco industry. Those against the habit also feel that the banning smoking in the public places will greatly reduce the amount of disease burden that is experienced in the economy at the moment and thus the losses that will be incurred from the loss of tax can be recuperated from the reduced financial liabilities from health complications in the society. This can be sustained as young generations, the unborn and the pregnant mothers are protected from the population related to the second-hand smoke. By extension, there is the positive reduction in the carbon dioxide in the air, as one of the green house gases produced in the smoke.
Desapriya, Ediriweera; HYPERLINK "http://0-search.proquest.com.alice.dvc.edu/pqrl/indexinglinkhandler/sng/au/Turcotte,+Kate/$N?accountid=38376" \o "Turcotte, Kate"Turcotte, Kate; HYPERLINK "http://0-search.proquest.com.alice.dvc.edu/pqrl/indexinglinkhandler/sng/au/Subzwari,+Sayed/$N?accountid=38376" \o "Subzwari, Sayed"Subzwari, Sayed; HYPERLINK "http://0-search.proquest.com.alice.dvc.edu/pqrl/indexinglinkhandler/sng/au/Pike,+Ian/$N?accountid=38376" \o "Pike, Ian"Pike, Ian; HYPERLINK "http://0-search.proquest.com.alice.dvc.edu/pqrl/indexinglinkhandler/sng/au/Jarvie,+Jill+A,+MSN,+RN/$N?accountid=38376" \o "Jarvie, Jill A, MSN, RN"Jarvie, Jill A,: HYPERLINK "http://0-search.proquest.com.alice.dvc.edu/pqrl/indexinglinkhandler/sng/au/Malone,+Ruth+E,+PhD,+RN/$N?accountid=38376" \o "Malone, Ruth E, PhD, RN"Malone, Ruth E,  ‘Smoking Inside Vehicles Should Be Banned Globally.’ American Journal of Public Health99.7 (Jul 2009): 1158-9; Web.
Smoking is harmful not just to the smokers but also the non-smokers, especially in the public places. This study shows that, smoking much like using the cell phone while driving can lead to distraction, which not only endangers the life of the smoker but also that of the general public. Banning the habit in the public would therefore reduce the risk of smokers getting distracted and resulting in fatal accidents. The article refers to the 126 million Americans that are exposed to the second-hand smoke, and goes on to clearly state that the smoking in public is harmful. This is due to the fact that there are more than 4000 compounds in the smoke, 69 of which are carcinogens; they cause cancer. While some of the people feel that opening the windows is safe enough, smoke detectors should be placed in the car calibrated for the safety of the non-smokers.
Francis-Smith, Janice. ‘Oklahoma Alliance on Health or Tobacco pushes to ban smoking in bars, bingo halls.’ Journal Record. (2006): 1.Web.
Smoking is harmful to the health of the smokers and the non-smokers, which is why the state of Oklahoma banned the habit in the all restaurants and other public areas. According to the article the state is also pushing to ensure that smoking is also banned in the indoors at the work places. This will reduce further the intake of the toxins that are associated with e second hand smoke. The health advocates that have been pushing for these reforms have faced stiff objection from the lawmakers who are constantly trying to roll back on the high taxes imposed on the cigarettes. Restaurant owner also feel that they have done enough on the compliance and the law should be nullified.
Beecham, Linda. ‘BMA calls for smoking to be banned in public places.’  British Medical Journal, International edition 316.7137(1998). 1037. Web.
Other than the dangers of passive smoking, some trader have taken the step to sell the cigarettes to the children. This is illegal and unhealthy to the children whose respiratory systems are quite sensitive to the compounds in the smoke. Research shows that smoking in the public exposes the bystanders to the dangers of second-hand smoke. The British Medical Association has thus taken hefty measures to see the laws, which will bring control to the habits of using cigarettes in the public. This will see an immense drop in the risks associated with the smoke and health complications as well. Other than the hefty fines, there are also suggestions that nicotine among other therapies should be applied to build support ...
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