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Gender Roles Essay

Essay Instructions:

This paper will require you to conduct research regarding the issue of gender. You will have choices in regards to the research, you may choose One of the following;

1) Interview parents of young children, asking them questions about how they raise a "boys" or a "girls", or how one should raise each or either of the sexes. Questions with this approach should focus on perception of gender, how parents see their role in socializing their children, or how they do socialize their children. perhaps questions of their experiences would be valuable, how is it "different" to raise a boy than girl?

2)content analysis. You may go to a department/toy store and observe the differences in toys, clothes etc. for boys and girls. A second idea could be to sit and watch TV A good example of a content analysis could be to watch kids TV shows(commercials) would also be a good place to research gender differences. How do advertisers market to males and females differently? 

No matter what you choose, I expect a discussion of

1) why you chose your topic.

2) what you assumed about your topic also what the text may suggest about your topic or topic area.

3) why you chose to study your topic in the way you did( which option, who you spoke to or where you went, and why)

4)what you found, or what you perceived from your research regarding gender.

Paper must be at least One thousand words long.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gender roles dates back many years, performing this research will give detailed coverage of the differences in effectiveness of male and female roles in the society. The research was conducted by interviewing parents of young children about how they raise boys and girls. The research also documents factors affecting the socialization process of children. The analysis gives trend of the dynamics of gender depicting a history of the society and the changes that are yet to be embraced.
Gender analysis is an important topic for research because it identifies the abilities for both boys and girls and also help understands parent’s perception of gender and how parents see their role in socializing their children. The research will help in strategizing on how to allocate duties and make adjustment where necessary in a situation where genders are mixed .The research is important as it identifies the problems and disparities among the two genders and coming up with effective solution to curb certain gender concerns based on the findings.
The assumption in this research is that the traditional roles of gender are assumed to have been eroded with the changing times. Teaching gender roles have been assumed to be the role of parents and other elders in the society. However, research indicates that environmental factors influence the development of gender roles. Some of the literatures reviewed during the process of research emphasize that gender roles have changed in many ways throughout history; each generation has brought with it different expectation on how both boys and girls should behavior in society. Despite the changes, the fact remains that society influences are stronger than environment and biological influences. Currently people are open to expectation than that of the past generation; there are still certain expected norms of behavior for girls and boys that are determined by society.
Interviewing parents of young children is the best option because a child’s socialization process begins immediately after birth. Parents have a great influence in the way children are raised. Gender differences are mostly determined by social behaviors that start appearing early from simple dressing and other forms of socialization. Parents and school are the most influential features in shaping children lives broadening the gender differences with time.
In my research, I spoke to a group of parents with young children between 4 years and ten years. I also interviewed three kindergarten instructors to get their perception on gender roles. One of the o...
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