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Understanding Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

I need 4 pages of essay + 1 page annotated bibliography (3 sources) Understanding Climate Change Worth 20% of your final grade In this assignment, you must find a myth about climate change and critique the myth to show why it is wrong or misleading. The paper must be 1200 words minimum (Maximum 1500 words), essay format and address the following. NB: one page of Arial 12pt double spaced is approximately 300 words.  State and explain the myth about climate change as given by your source (and cite).  Provide evidence and clearly explain why this myth is scientifically wrong or misleading.  Discuss why, in your opinion, this myth exists. For example, is it a misunderstanding of the science; is it an intentional attempt to confuse or mislead, etc. Provide evidence if possible.  The paper must include an annotated bibliography (this is not included in your word count). You MUST make use at least two of the required readings in your paper and a minimum of three additional sources not on the required or optional reading list in writing this paper (the source of the myth counts as one of these 3). Please hand in a hard copy of your essay on October 7th at the beginning of class. Also, you must upload a copy of your assignment to the CANVAS site. Mark Breakdown: Research 4 Citations and bibliography 2 Scientific understanding 8 Clarity of writing and arguments 6 Citations and annotated bibliography do not count as part of the 1200-1500 words. I will attach some required readings too. And I need a previw rough to see whats going on in th essay. Thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climatic Changes
In the last few decades, the world has seen several manifestations of the climatic changes menace play out with catastrophic results (Klein, 2015). Heat waves have become more frequent much like floods and fogs among others. Ironically very few efforts have been put in place that actually captures the gravity of the situation. Much of the policies that have devised in the repetitive global meeting have been half-baked and elementally flawed in design and intentions. While a good majority of the population understand and appreciate the severity of the situation at the moment, most of the people are hooked onto the consumerism lifestyle, without much care of their actions to the environment. The truth is, most of the efforts have been taken after calamities strike and soon after people forget it ever happened and they move on with their normal habits as if in mockery of the climatic changes (Weart, 2009).
Flawed Projections
The general notion that climatic changes are linear and thus predictable is one on the main reasons as to why most of the efforts that are geared towards averting the dangers of the same are poorly implemented. As Naomi Klein, points out in her book, This changes Everything Capitalism vs. The Climate, most of the projections that exist presume that climatic changes relative to the changes in the greenhouse gas emissions, temperature increases and the rising sea levels are incremental (Klein, 2015). Ideally most of the projections indicate that there is a gradual and slow change in the climate element relative to an increase of the contributing factors. According to these flawed projection, certain amounts of greenhouse gases are expected to give rise to predictable changes in the climate elements such as temperature change in degrees Fahrenheit (Klein, 2015).
However, this is not the case as geological records on climatic changes indicate a different approach, indicating a flaw in the existing projections. Small changes in one of the elements of the climate can lead to abrupt and unpredictable contrary to the projected smooth and predictable changes. This means that when the climatic system is pushed past certain limits, the ability to predict what could happen next is lost in the catastrophic chain of events that follow (Klein, 2015). At this point or stage, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will not help revert the system to its original state as it steers away like car with brakes and steering malfunctions. This is to mean that, once the consequences are set in motion there is not a remedial action that can be used to stop them.
The climatic models play a subtle role in the current policy development, mainly because they are taken to the principal basis for the assessment of the anthropogenic climatic effects. Ironically these models are flawed and so are the intervention to counter the climatic changes and effects. The more precise knowledge about climatic changes come from two elements (Weart, 2009). One of the main sources of information is earth’s paleoclimate records; this basically means ancient climatic information relative to records on responses to changes to climatic forcing and the atmospheric composition (Klein, 2015). The other source of information is the data collected from global observation from satellite images revealing the way that the climate element are responding to human made changes to aspects such as carbon dioxide composition. The paleoclimate data is one of the best ways of collecting information of the ways that climate elements respond to climate forcing (Hansen & Sato, 2011). Ideally climate forcing is the aspect of imposing changes to the earth’s energy balance. One of the ways that climate forcing can be achieved is through increasing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This is basically what human activities such burning fossil fuels have been doing to the atmosphere and the climate changes.
The best ways to understand the changes that could occur to the climate is through assessing the records of past responses in the different time frames. This can then be assessed alongside the satellite images and other data from observation to predict what may take place relative to climatic changes. According to paleoclimate data, if the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is doubled, the eventual change in the climate temperature will be three degrees Celsius. This will be the case where only the fast feedbacks such as changes in the atmospheric water vapor and clouds have responded to the climate forcing (Hansen & Sato, 2011). One of the most important aspects to note about the fast fee...
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