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Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretary of State

Essay Instructions:

This should not be more than 750 words 

Essay Prompt: 

Do you believe that the nation building efforts in Iraq were a success or a failure? And by extension, do you support nation building as a foreign policy initiative? Why/why not? Use the situation in Iraq as your key support.

- Begin your briefing with the address: Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretary of State.

- Support your position with evidence: you must cite from at least FOUR of the six assigned and selected readings, INCLUDING at least one point of view that differs from your own (Refutation). Cite each quote/paraphrase in MLA format.

- Your essay should include at least FIVE paragraphs: introduction, at least THREE body paragraphs, and conclusion.

The thesis should be the last sentence in the introduction, and should be underlined.

- Include a works cited.

*Remember, your essay must be focused, must have clear and relevant details, must be well researched (with good, credible sources and accurate documentation), and must be well presented and persuasive. Your argument must also contain a refutation.

Provide a clear thesis statement that responds to the prompt. 

Provide topic sentences for each body paragraph that support the thesis (Note: these topic sentences are your main reasons)

Include an opposing argument point (remember to develop a rebuttal for this point in your essay)

Include supporting evidence under each topic sentence (in the form of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary that you plan to use to support the point you are making). Be sure to cite from at least FOUR of the assigned sources. (See Purdue University's Online Writing Lab handout on Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing if you need help.)

Include MLA-formatted in-text citations for each quote/paraphrase. 

Please make high lights and/or underline 

-the thesis statement

-main ideas

Here are the links of articles for you to read to get more information.



Also, there will be 2 files attached just to help you get more information.

Thank you,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dear Mr. President and Mr. Secretary of State.
It has been with a mixture of joy and confusion for everyone, both critic and supporter, when analyzing the concept and very novel idea of nation building. This has been particularly more scrutinized when it comes to nation building exercises that involve the United States. But before venturing into the deep swirling currents of this issue, a clear understanding and definition of nation building is important. Nation building is the process of restoring a nation after a period in which it has gone through tribulations such as violence or total war. Most of these countries usually suffer under the heavy burden of broken infrastructure, dilapidated social amenities, lack of employment, an instable political system, and in overall, an economic crisis. A number of nations, led by the United States, have taken part in a series of nation building exercises throughout the world, restoring democracy in war-torn regions of the globe, such as Kosovo, Bosnia and Germany. However ,it is the current situation involving the United States in Iraq, that has given birth to a heated debate as to whether nation building has been a success on the country or not.
The United States government, under the then president, George Bush, launched a military campaign into Iraq and Afghanistan, with the main aim of flushing out terrorism as well as the Saddam regime which was deemed a sympathizer of these terrorists. The war lasted almost a decade, and the end product is there to be seen; Saddam Hussein dead, and the nation of Iraq not yet stable. American troops have had to remain in Iraq for a prolonged period of time in order to help in restoration of normalcy, and the essence of nation building. The United States government has trained a substantial number of Iraqis in order to be drafted into the army, so as to make the country stable (Jawad par 6).
Additionally, the American government has pumped more than $1 billion into Iraq in order to restore a number of important facets of the country. For example, more than $150 million was used in construction of sewerage system, while a further $200 million was used in construction of hospitals. All through, the government has also assisted in ensuring that the insurgent attacks from the Islamic extremists remains at a minimum, while there is still a large portion of work to be done. However, this was just the tip of the ice...
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