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Gender-Neutral Management Practices to Eliminate Gender Inequalities

Essay Instructions:

Getting Started

In a writing class, it is important to build a community of writers and learners who feel safe exchanging their ideas with one another, in order to foster a sense of growth and development from sharing ideas about a particular text, topic, or issue. In an online writing class, building a sense of community is even more important since we are separated by time and space, and the busyness of our personal and professional lives. These discussion boards help us to meet our third and fourth learning outcomes for the course:

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.

Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.

The Process

For each community discussion post (CDP), you are expected to:

Read the prompt(s).

Post your response by the first due date.

Post a reply to at least one person by the second due date.

There is no word count minimum, but you must answer the prompt in full to receive points.

The Prompt!

Ready to dive in? Here's the prompt for our second community discussion post:

Part I:

This week, you will have read selected chapters from our open-source textbook, First-Year Composition. You will have read that, “A writing class is a space to wonder, explore, and inquire into ideas and concepts that benefit you personally, academically, and professionally. And, whether you realize it or not, when you write, you almost always begin with a question” (Hoermann-Elliott et al. 1).

Now that you have had a chance to read about the purpose of inquiry and what it takes to craft an interesting research question, you may begin to share what your research plan will look like for the remainder of this course. For this week’s discussion post, tell us your intended research question, why you chose this research question, and what do you want to learn by researching this question.

There is no word count but be sure to answer the following questions in full. I will use “Chat GPT” as an example research topic, since it is one I am currently learning more about!

1. Research Question: Should college students be allowed to use Chat GPT?

2. Why did I choose this research question? Recently, Chat GPT has made waves in the world of academia. Many professors have debated the advantages and disadvantages of using Chat GPT in an academic setting, and whether using this kind of technology is a violation of the student code of conduct. For example, many English professors have questioned whether the use of Chat GPT violates academic honesty, since a student could potentially submit an essay that does not set off the school’s plagiarism detection software, but that was found to be written by Chat GPT.

3. What do I want to learn by researching this question? I want to learn about different communication tools that students can use in college English and in other courses as well. Ever since I took a class on film and psychoanalysis in college, I have always been interested in the uses of artificial intelligence. For example, one of our professors showed us the sci-fi/thriller Ex-Machina which explores the complicated relationship between a human-like android and her male companions. While the film is obviously fictional and focuses on the potentially "darker" uses of AI, I can relate this experience with how I have come to understand the use of Chat GPT. Would an English professor would be able to tell if they were talking to an AI/bot or an actual human/student?

Part II: For your reply, please respond to one other classmate's "research question" with your original ideas. Are you familiar with their research question? What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you have any sources or personal experience to share? Anything goes, so long as it upholds our community norms for discussions in this class.

links: https://pressbooks(dot)pub/firstyearcomposition/part/main-body/

Additional information from the client:

I forgot to attach another link.


If you could make the research question regarding gender equality, please. Or not sure if that's a good research question for this assignment. I will leave that to your discretion. Just let me know. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Gender-Neutral Management Practices to Eliminate Gender Inequalities
Part I
Research Question: Should companies embrace gender-neutral management practices to eliminate gender inequality issues?
Why did I choose this research question? Notably, gender inequality has been a significant problem in the American workforce for many years. Currently, a significant percentage of females receive a lower income than their male counterparts in the same job positions and hold similar responsibilities. Based on a 2022 study by Pew Research Center, there has been no significant change in the gender pay gap in the last two decades in the United States of America (USA). In particular, females earn an average of 82% of males’ earnings (Aragao). Gender inequality issues have been challenging to eliminate in the workplace due to the lack of gender-neutral management practices. For example, some organizations prioritize men when considering who should fill their senior leadership positions. When women get hired, they are paid less not based on what they can achieve, but because of their gender. Many scholars have tried to consider why companies hire males for executive positions and found out that men are perceived to be more flexible, better negotiators, aggressive, and have more authority than women. In some cases, highly qualified women are left out during the recruitment process since some employers do not think that they can serve well in top leadership positions due to their traits of caring and kindness among others. In that light, the research question will help to gather more information about how gender-neutral management practices can eliminate gender inequality problems, such as income inequality. Another significant challenge that makes numerous females not be considered for senior leadership positions is the lack of a proper mentoring network to promote their career progression and success (Dashper 541). Women usually struggle to join the network of men leaders so that they can acquire significant leadership skills.
What do I want to learn by researching this question? I want to learn about how gender-neutral management practices can help organizations eliminate gender inequality in the workplace. Specifically, gender inequality has been a significant problem in society, and many women have been adversely affected by this problem. As a woman, I feel like something should be done to ensure that the contemporary workplace is conducive for males and females. Gender discrimination should be a problem of the past. Women should be included and considered in leadership by emphasizing how to provide solutions to existing gender inequality issues (Hideg and Krstic 108). On that note, employees should be encouraged to be responsible and empathetic toward others’ needs. I have heard companies say that they embrace diversity. Nevertheless, one might find out that some of these firms do ...
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