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The Friendship Social Sciences Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment for ths chapter is to write an essay that examines and illustrates extended definition of a term from the box, or a ter that your teacher suggests. Be sure to support you definition with examples and explanations. 







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There are various ways through which people interact. Each of these interactions has got its own distinct way of creating bonds and relationships between the people involved. Among the most important bonds or relationships in a person’s life, is friendship. It is mostly defined as the relationship between two people who like, trust and respects one another. On a general case however, friendship doesn’t have a distinct definition. This is because each person has got his or her own understanding of what friends and friendship mean. Human beings are always out to survive in life, and just like any other animal, the survival instinct always dominates. However, unlike other animals, human beings rely on productive linkages to succeed in the so-called survival of life. Friendship offers exactly that. It can even be said that a life without friends or friendship isn’t life worth living at all, due to the inner emptiness that someone might end up feeling at the end of it. Friends fill up that void and help one to indeed pursue and succeed in various facets of life.
People usually have friends based on various factors. The one thing that makes people becomes friends, is having common goals and interests. It is hard to be friends, or sustain a friendship with someone who doesn’t have the same interests as the other. It is these common things shared between people, which push them to want to be together and strengthen their bonds. Sometimes, one can even go ahead and categorize friends. There are various types of friends. For example, there is the true friend, who will always be there at all times to offer honest opinions and advice in basically everything. There is also the convenient friend, who serves the purpose of helping out in case of something very urgent. Then there is the special interest friend, whose purpose is solely to serve some particular interests, such as work, sports or even leisure. The last one is the historical friend. This is the one who has always been there since childhood days and have grown together. All these types of friends make life worth living, as they fulfill or satisfy certain voids.
All friendships begin somewhere. In most cases, they usually begin as acquainta...
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