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Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation Essay

Essay Instructions:

You'll see on the syllabus that the homework for Friday (in addition to the final draft of Essay #2) is listed as "Carr/Twenge Response (Prompt TBD)." Please briefly summarize both articles and respond to one of them.

Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"- attached

Twenge, "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?"


Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Article Summary and Response
Nicholas Carr, in his article titled “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” begins by asserting that since we derive most of our information from the internet, our ability to read books as well as other long pieces is affected. He states that although the internet offers knowledge efficiency, it flattens the learning experience of our brains in the process. Carr proceeds to provide a detailed description of how the text on the internet is aimed at making the browsing experience fast and beneficial. Carr explains how the internet is purposed to generate revenue for other individuals and how our critical thinking skills and attention spans are gradually degrading in the process. Carr sums up his argument by explaining what we are losing when we resort to the internet as our central source of information. He claims that he feels terrible when he considers the mind as a computer because intellectual stimulation and deep reading are lost. Lastly, Carr cites the 2001 A Space Odyssey scene, claiming that he identifies more with the computer than he does with the robotic human. Carr concludes by suggesting that the internet will cause humans to become more machine-like than even the machine themselves.
Jean M. Twenge, in her essay titled “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” explains how the current generation involves more technology, specifically, Smartphones. Twenge asserts that the current generation is shaped by the concomitant rise of social media and the advent of Smartphones. She also says that the current generation is safer than those that preceded them because they prefer to stay indoors with their Smartphones instead of partying, experimenting with drugs, or drunk driving. S...
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