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Social Media Influence Social Sciences Essay Paper

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Social Media Influence
Over the past twenty years, information and communication technology has changed rapidly with the main development being the emergence of social media. The rate of change is accelerating. For instance, the development of mobile technology has played a significant role in shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total minutes spent online e.g. Twitter, Face book, Instagram. This puts the means to connect anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands. People share information via social, media. There is also the desire to reveal and entertain others through social media. Additionally, people have been able to define themselves, flourish and grow their relationships through social media. Social media has also given people the opportunity to share and build their image and also demonstrate what they stand for. Some of these factors have causes social networks to evolve from being handy while keeping in touch with family and friends. Social media has both negative and positive effects on society both politically, culturally and socially.
The use of social media on politics like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube has changed the way campaigns are conducted and how some of the Americans are able to interact with the elected officials (Oatway, p 67). The prevalence of social media on politics has made these officials and candidates vying for public seats more accountable and accessible to citizens. The latest research on the impacts of social media illustrates that 60 percent of the people get news via social media while 20 percent do it very often. In comparison to other media services, social media has a great influence on political campaigns (Bozoglan, p 20). Social networks have been able to increase the significant role of electoral politics. For example, the New York Times reports on the elections of President Donald Trump had the starkest illustration that went across the globe. Social networks have assisted to rewire human society (Helmus, & Todd, p 50). Due to social media people are able to communicate with one another freely. People are also able to create influential social organizations among some of the marginalized groups.
Social media allows politicians to have a direct contact with their voters. Politicians are able to speak with voters without spending a single cent. Using these social media has also allowed politicians to circumvent some of the traditional methods of reaching to the voters through earned media and advertisements. Businesses have also been boosted by political campaigns, for example, publishing these politicians on YouTube or paying for time on the Television or Radio stations (Bozoglan, p 20). Additionally, Ads like Twitter and Facebook have been used to organize campaigns. They have allowed like-minded voters and activists to share information easily on campaigns events. Political polls are very important and are part of every campaign. They are confusing but it is possible to find multiple pools different every single day. Therefore polls have a great impact on elections and social media can be used to predict the results of polls. For example, people usually participate in Facebook polls.
In today’s society, social media is prevalent and everyone has some sort of social media account. These applications allow people to communicate and share information with each other all over the world. Social media is all about networking socially. Some of the common forms of social media like snap chats have assisted people to pursue their interpersonal relationships with distant friends and family. However, they can have a negative effect also. For example, social media has increased the levels of negative emotions among people like envy and isolation (Noor, &John, p 112). Th...
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