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David Humes Suggestion Contrary To Paleys View

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The class I am taking is Philosophy. I will attach the rubric and requirement from the professor. Please read it carefully.

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The machine argument as forwarded by Paley dictates that life is a design of properly coordinated parts functioning well. Thus, the existence of a designer that formulates and implements the artifact. Paley compares natural things to the formation and organization of a machine as Cleanthes does to a house. According to him, the designer inference explains why the creator of the universe has to have a mind. In essence, the designed organism serves a purpose with the designer being distinct from the designed. Therefore, the universe arises from the intelligent design and purpose of the creator. Just as a watchmaker design watches so does the universe maker create the universe.
Contrary to Paley’s view, Hume acknowledges the universe to be like a living thing such as a plant or animal. He refutes the teleological argument by stipulating that inferences cannot be made from causes of single instances like making a watch. A house or a watch is just but an object within the universe which cannot influence a view of the whole universe. Furthermore, the resemblance of causes does not necessarily imply resemblance of effects. Hume states that as natural living things undergo changes and reproduction so do variations take effect within the universe. The universe is a complex model and not an ordered design as illustrated by Paley. Hume objects the weak analogy between natural things and artifacts as inferred by Paley. Hume uses the cosmology description to explain how the universe reproduces similar to vegetation (Hume). In reference to Hume, the creation of the universe through a seeding process infers that the universe existed resulting in the formation of several worlds. Therefore, Hume’s view on the existence of God from the design perspective is less plausible as Paley’s contributions.
In spite of Hume’s argument largely countering Paley’s perspective of the universe and the existence of God, both models exhibit specific strengths and weakness. Hume’s evolutionary as descending with modification expresses the universe as unique. Hence, offering an explicit explanation of the universe. The author expresses the infinite nature of the universe which only the natural forces inherent in it can quantify. Unfortunately, Hume’s framework fails to describe how the cosmology process vividly explains the universe. His reproduction concept would mean an unending creation of new galaxies, worlds and other aspects of the universe which is not the case (Hume). Also, the causal effect that led to the existence of components in the universe does not explain how the whole universe e...
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