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Why Should the U.S. Give Paid Maternity Leave?

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This essay is an argumentative essay. The introduction must have thesis statement. This essay must have transition words. Each body paragraph should start with a transition word and have a topic sentence. This essay must have at least one in-text citation per body paragraph.(No more than two in-text citation per body paragraph). Please do not use first person point of view(I) and second person point of view(You). Write in third person point of view(He, she, one, a person). For rest of the instructions please check this file out that I am going to upload. Please write essay according to this instructions.

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Why Should the U.S. Give Paid Maternity Leave?
Below is picture of a mother caring for a baby?
Source: fotosearch.com
According to researchers paid maternity leave is an initiative that enhances health for babies and their mothers. Additionally, it lowers rates of post-delivery depression, childhood immunizations, and infant mortality (Goodman 16). Henceforth, paid maternity leave is one of the wits that can improve the nation’s health. However, it is one area in which the U.S. is lagging behind. In fact, the United States of America is one of the three countries in the world that does not mandate paid maternity leave. The other two include Suriname and Papua New Guinea. In terms of offering maternity leave, even the developing countries have better maternity leaves than the U.S. In this era and age the provision of a paid maternity leave is absolutely necessary to help breastfeeding mothers provide for the family, meet the healthcare needs of both the child and themselves, and also helps organizations retain their employees as paid maternity leave is an attractive incentive to employees.
First and foremost, most mothers provide for their families and therefore should be given paid maternity leaves to continually provide for their family needs. Statics show that in almost half of the families in the United States both parents work full-time and the mothers are the primary breadwinner in 40% of these households (Maternity Leave and Employment Patterns 399). This means that most families are frustrated during the maternity leave, the situation is worse when it comes to the homes that depend on the mother has the sole breadwinner. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention women who received three months or more paid maternity leave had a higher probability of breastfeeding their babies for no less than six months than those who did not get any paid leave. Remember that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that mothers should breastfeed their newborn babies for at least six months after birth. This enhances the health of both the mother and her kid. Nevertheless, how will expectant single mothers survive without paid leaves? The chances are that those who cannot save enough for delivery and upkeep of a child will avoid pregnancy or delivery and this can be achieved through the use of contraceptives and abortion. However, these aspects can hamper the America’s population. Henceforth, the United States government has to develop and back a maternity leave payment policy. In spite of significant transformations, the U.S. is the only developed nation with no paid maternity leaves, according to data collected by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The minimum amount of paid leave allowable in fellow developed nations is approximately two months. Estonia offers the best maternity leave provision which entails one and half years paid leave to new parents. Thus, how comes that the U.S. with all its resources is not offering paid maternity leave? Besides, the U.S. financially supports most of the developing nations which are also providing this initiative. Henceforth, why is it a problem when it comes to the U.S.? The Americans have a right, a right to leave happily at all times (Rossin 137). And this should be enhanced by the government through ensuring all people including expectant mothers are paid during and after delivery. It should also ensure that the maternity leave is long enough for the mother’s recovery and child care.
Secondly, provision of paid maternity leave will help mothers provide better healthcare for their babies ...
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