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Research And Describe The Occurrence Of Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

What is terrorism? Provide an example of the use of violence that would be considered terrorism and an example of the use of violence that would not be considered terrorism. What factors make it difficult for terrorists and target states to reach a bargain short of violence? When bargaining fails and violence occurs, what is one strategy terrorists use to further their interests? What is one strategy states have adopted to limit or prevent terrorism and what are some of the drawbacks of that strategy?

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Social Sciences
The Occurrence of Terrorism
Terrorism is the use of violence intentionally to create fear. It is usually done to achieve a goal religiously, ideologically or politically. This act is usually calculated, criminal and unlawful. It is often focused on a government, a group of people, a social, religious or a political objective. Terrorist groups that are known are the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Bokoharam and Hezbollah among others. (Ruby, Charles L. (2002). 
Most of the time, an act of violence is considered as terrorism and an act of terrorism considered as violence. In October 1983, terrorists from the Middle East bombed the Landing Team Headquarters of Marine Battalion at the International Airport of Beirut. Victims who suffered from the attack were 241  HYPERLINK "/" \t "_blank" military personnel from the United States of America. Each of this soldier was killed, and more than 100 others were wounded. Their primary target was the Congress of the U.S.A and its people. This act was meant to force the U.S.A to remove their marine soldiers from Beirut. This is considered as an act of terrorism. The act of murder or suicide is violent but not terrorism. Acts of terrorism are; assassinations, hijackings, kidnappings, threats, bomb attacks, cyber-attacks, dispersion of devices such as dirty bombs, the introduction of radioactive materials into food or water supply, bioterrorism and attack on nuclear plants among many others.
Communication to the public is a strategy used by terrorists to boost their terroristic campaigns. They use this method to gain pity from the public as a whole. This communication has been sub-divided into intimidation, attrition, and destruction and outbidding. In the provocation strategy, the terrorists provoke the government to respond to terrorism. This action of the enemy radicalizes the people and shifts them into supporting the terrorists. In attrition, the terrorists aim to show their adversaries that they are willing to harm them in any way possible. This is done to discourage the state from pursuing their policies. Terrorists use intimidation to depict their might. They show the people that they are stronger than the government and can punish anyone who is disobedient to their orders. They do this so that the people conform and abide by their wishes in fear. Use of destruction is the core of wars. Destructors convince the state that terrorists will never reach for peace before the act of terrorism. They drive the enemy to pursue terrorists thus leading to war. The outbidding group of people, on the other hand, use violence to convince the people to support and submit to terrorists. They show the public that terrorists are worthy of their support because only them are stronger than the enemy.
Negotiations have been considered a strategy to bring about peace in a terrorist attack. The government believes it&rsquo...
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