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Critical Analysis And Thoughts About Faking The Grade

Essay Instructions:

There are two stages first stage is Essay outline base the Documentary film

Second stages is Critical Analysis Essay base the Documentary film

Please write 1 page of Critical Analysis - Essay Outline

base on the documentary film, Faking the Grade,

provide a critical analysis of some of the arguments in the film . To do this you must:

(1) watch the film,


1. Topic of Essay Critical thoughts about faking the grade

• Provide the title/author of the medium you're critiquing

2. Brief Summary of Essay

• Briefly, what is the medium about? This is the main conclusion of the medium.

• What are you going to say about the medium? Rule of thumb: One sentence per

each critique in the body of your paper. These lead to your thesis.

3. Thesis

• This is typically 1 to 2 sentences.


- This shouldn't be very long - no marks are allotted to this portion of the paper.

Give main ideas and themes only, which relate to your analyses.

- Alternatively, you could just summarize the relevant parts of the medium as you

introduce each analysis (in the body of your essay).


1. First, note any prevalent fallacies/schemes that hurt/strengthen the medium's

argument. This is a necessary component to doing well on this essay.

2. Are there any violations of Argumentation Principles that create problems? Or,

any principles followed that create strong arguments? This is a necessary

component to doing well on this essay.

3. What types of bias are at work in the medium? This is a necessary

component to doing well on this essay.

4. Are there any other theories, ideas, articles we've read that help your analysis. Optional.

Use your discretion in what you emphasize and how you organize your essay, as long as you have at

least #1 though 3, and everything relates to your thesis. Remember: you may not be able to cover all

possible critical ideas you have. You must prioritize what you write about, so that it connects with

your thesis.


1. Brief summary of the main points in the body of your essay

2. Overall evaluation of text

Final Note: This is an essay, proving a critical thesis, and not just a summary of all your analyses.

next stage

Please write 4 pages of Critical Analysis Essay base the Documentary film that requires you to identify and evaluate argument patterns in one of these mediums the documentary film, Faking the Grade,

provide a critical analysis of some of the arguments in the film . To do this you must: (1) watch the film,


Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point New Times Roman font,

approximately 4 pages. Aim for 1250 words - with an absolute maximum word count of 1500

words (this word count includes your Works Cited).

(2) roughly diagram

its arguments; (3) analyze all the arguments as fully as you can by uncovering argument schemes

and/or fallacies, and choose the schemes/fallacies you want to write a paper about; think of this

step as your “research” stage - it needs time and precision (4) make connections with the

schemes/fallacies you've noted to other course concepts in order to build your critical thoughts.

In particular, your essay needs to incorporate principle(s) of argumentation (followed or violated)

and bias, but you can also (briefly) address ARS, or other theoretical concepts if they bolster

your analysis; (5) develop a critical thesis that ties together the analyses you choose to write

about; (6) start writing your essay.

Your essay should demonstrate that you know some of the argument(s) being made in the

film/article, and you can evaluate them. Be able to respond to the argument(s) critically, not

argumentatively. What you think about cheating (film), is not what this essay

should document; it is an evaluation of the views espoused in the medium, not your opinion piece. Remember to be clear and concise. This entails that you choose what is important to include in your analysis, given your thesis, and you drop other unrelated critical thoughts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Documentary Faking the Grade by Andrew Blicq
The documentary focuses on the prevalence of cheating in schools among students and grade inflation by teachers highlighting statistics on the cheating culture, but there are also weak arguments because of hasty generalization and begging the question
The generalization that students cheat because fellow students cheat and teachers inflate grades only when there is prestige and money to be made
Teachers inflated grades as no one questioned them because there is prestige and money
Paragraph 2:
Hasty generalizations- teachers engage in grade inflation where there is prestige, and money
Paragraph 3:
Hasty generalizations- students cheat since others cheat
The sample size was small
Paragraph 4
Students cheated because the used technology
Paragraph 5
The fallacy of appeal to popularity where the students stated that they cheated because everyone else was doing the same
Paragraph 6
The truth seeking principle applies in the documentary as the opinions of students and other stakeholders were considered to better understand the phenomenon of cheating
Paragraph 7
The fallacies oversimplify a complex issue and only briefly focused on those who do not cheat to get their perspective and the fallacies are related through the confirmation bias
Paragraph 8
The audience need to understand the context of cheating in the education sector rather than simply believe that cheating is prevalent more than ever before
Paragraph 9: Conclusion
Thesis restatement and reiterating the main points
The documentary Faking the Grade focuses on the epidemic of cheating in schools. Most of the students interviewed indicated that they had cheated at one point in time, and there are fallacious arguments that the documentary makes. The students learn from the society, and the documentary also engages adults to understand the phenomenon including experts on education misconduct. I will look into the arguments made in the documentary to explain cheating and academic dishonesty. First I discuss the notion that merely teachers engage in grade inflation where there is prestige, and money. I will further focus on whether the use of technology is associated with increa...
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