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Social Sciences: Terrorism in International Relations

Essay Instructions:

What isterrorism? Provide an example of the use of violence that would beconsidered terrorism and an example of the use of violence thatwould not be considered terrorism…etc.

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Terrorism in International Relations
Social Sciences
Terrorism in International Relations
Terrorism can be defined as a violent act performed against religion, an organization or ideology. According to the UK act of terrorism, terrorism is defined as the use violence or threats in the name of fostering a cause in politics, ideology or religion (Smith, 2016). The acts of terrorism usually take place in the form of bombings, shooting and a result is a mass murder. However, the exact definition of terrorism has not been clearly defined. It is not yet clear of what makes a violence act be termed as a terrorist attack or not.
There is the case that happened in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez who was by then 24 years old opened fire on military facilities. The result was the murder of some marines, four in number (Peralta, 2015). This was a case that at first, it was treated as domestic terrorism by Bill Killian who was by then the U.S Attorney. The terms were later softened as the authorities said that all the aspects had not been pursued yet. They said that the motive had not been established. Arguments and debates rose. Acts of terror, war or crime from the surface might seem to be alike but not the case when looked into depth. What separates them is the motive of the act; the reason behind it.
A political science professor at the University of North Carolina, Navin Bapat says that for a violent act to be termed as so there must be these two terms; a” target that is non-combatant” and for “political purposes”(Peralta, 2015). The act a...
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