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Criticisms on Kant’s Moral Theory

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Prompt Paper #4: State the heart of Kant’s defense of moral realism and of moral normativity (that is that the fact that there is a “real” distinction between good and evil and the fact that an act is evil is always a sufficient reason to refrain from performing it.) What is Hegel’s criticism of Kant’s moral theory? Discuss the importance of Korsgaard’s account of practical identity for understanding motivation within the Kantian context. What is Nietzsche’s criticism of Kant’s moral theory? How might Kant be defended against his critics?

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Philosophy Paper
Recently, there has been an increase in debate revolving around ethics. One of the main reasons that have prompted individuals to this discussion is that different philosophers have varying stands in their definition of ethics. One of the most famous philosophers is Immanuel Kant, who played a huge role in developing Kantianism. One form of ethics that Kant has defended is moral realism (Roussidi 16). He supports the idea that individuals can know the objects directly as they appear to them. Kant defends science and the natural world since he believes that the mind plays a critical role in making nature. For instance, he embraces that there are always mind-independent moral facts, and most people can make true or false claims about them.
In addition, Kant embraces moral normativity since his philosophy is a deontological normative theory. In this philosophy, Kant opposes the utilitarian idea that the action's rightness usually depends on how fruitful the outcome is likely. In this scenario, he embraces the motive or the means used rather than the end or consequence of action in determining a moral value. Kant highlights that to live ethically and successfully, individuals should stop treating others on a greater end. He embraces the idea that human beings, through virtue, have a special power to reason, which separates them from most forms of physical existence.
Kant highlighted that the universe would be a waste without rationality, and living there would be in vain since people would not have a purpose. He highlights that treating other people as an end is the best way to maintain consciousness. For instance, even though it is right for a person to eat food when hungry, stealing will always be wrong since it will make the property owner suffer. Moreover, Kant strongly defends the stringent morality notion in moral normativity, highlighting that virtue is universal. For example, it is wrong to steal or commit murder even when you are hungry or in self-defense despite the region where you are.
Like other philosophies, Kant's moral theory philosophy also suffers from criticisms from Hegel. For instance, Hegel has accused Kant of presenting the formal principle of ethics as only a principle of non-contradiction. For instance, Hegel highlights that Kantian morality cannot attain any moral actions since it is empty and does not have content. He gives an example that Kant did not tell the individuals how they can strengthen their moral agency by employing it with other duties and drives them to lack moral action.
The other Hegel criticism is regarding Kant's theory of moti...
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