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Lilo and Stitch Live Action: Was It Courageous to Cast a Light-Skinned Hawaiian as Nani

Essay Instructions:

So I'm supposed to write a argumentive draft essay on if i think it was courageous to cast a light skinned Hawaiian actress to play Nani or was it not courageous. I thought it was courageous because Hawaiians are not all dark skinned and i relate because people think all Asian are light skinned while I'm a dark skinned asian mistaken as a Hispanic all the time. (i believe it was courageous) that disney did cast one or the director did.

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“It is common for casting decisions to elicit major debates regarding films, movies, and other creative works” (Rollison, 7). One recent casting decision that has elicited a heated debate is Disney’s choice of a light-skinned Hawaiian to play the role of Nani in Lilo and Stitch live-action. A significant portion of people felt that this decision was a courageous one. A section of others felt that the decision was not courageous. Each of these groups cited various reasons to underpin their feelings and opinions. The contentious nature of the matter was made more live by members of these two divides, making their sentiments known through various social media channels. The audience of this argumentative essay is mainly persons who move to foreign countries and get their identities confused. “There are many people who assume that all Asians are light-skinned” (Guadarrama, 300). Therefore, it is common for dark-skinned Asians living in the United States to be confused with Hispanics.
This paper will be an argumentative essay focusing on whether the above-mentioned choice by Disney was courageous or not. The essay will highlight the arguments made by proponents, those of opponents and a rebuttal. The choice by Disney to cast a light-skinned Hawaiian to play the role of Nani was a courageous one as it confronts the stereotype that most Hawaiians are light-skinned, confronts colorism, promotes diversity, and sparkles a healthy debate on the biases in the typecasting decisions in the film industry.
Courageous Choice
The casting of a light-skinned Hawaiian actress to play the role of Nani was a courageous choice. “It is said that films are a reflection of society” (DiMaggio, 137). This statement is largely true as filmmakers must endeavor to base their films on stories that viewers can relate to. Consequently, the tradition has been to select actors and actresses who are deemed best suited for the role from the perspective of the public eye. This process has encouraged stereotyping of communities as the choice will most often be made in favor of existing stereotypes. However, the case was different with Disney’s choice. The choice is courageous as it helps demystify the stereotype that all Hawaiians are dark-skinned. “There is a widespread notion that most Hawaiians are dark-skinned” (Dillon, 7). The decision by Disney to cast a light-skinned character for the role greatly helps demystify this stereotype and make it known that there are also light-skinned Hawaiians. In addition, the actress chosen for the role also has some Hawaiian roots.
The choice of a light-skinned actress to play the role of Nani is also courageous, as it helps confront colorism. “Extensive evidence has revealed that colorism is widespread in modern societies” (Yasuoka, 21). “Colorism involves making some prejudice against a person based on the shade of their skin color” (Omi, 118). A great example is that provided above, where most people make the assumption that all Asians are light-skinned. Another example is the widespread opinion that most Hawaiians are dark-skinned. It is not many people or entities who are courageous enough to confront such matters as colorism. However, the choice of a light-skinned actress to play the role of Nani is a courageous effort to fight this notion. It breaks the traditional monotony that a particular community has to be represented in a certain way and instead takes an unconventional route to show that unspoken reality. In light of this observation, it is correct to conclude that the choice by Disney to have a light-skinned actress play the role of Nani was a courageous one.
Thirdly, the choice was courageous as it demonstrates the diversity existing within modern societies. “The information age has reduced the world to a global village” (Lindgren, 121). Due to this diversity, it is common for people to make some assumptions concerning the cultural roots of other people. People from different cultures interact and intermarry. The choice of the character Nani is an accurate exemplification of this fact. Films are a reflection of society. Consequently, the choice of this particular character is courageous as it helps reflects the modern status of most societies. Choosing a light-skinned person to play the role of Nani is a very courageous choice as it boldly conveys that some things are contrary to popular opinion. In light of these observations, the choice of character Nani was a courageous one.
Fourthly, the choice was courageous as it helped sparkle a healthy debate concernin...
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