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American Government: The Congress and the President

Essay Instructions:

DO NOT INCLUDE THIS TEXT IN WHAT YOU TURN IN: This short answer essay is meant to gauge both your class engagement and retention of our content. Please respond to the four questions posted below. In order to receive full credit, you must address specific quotes and sections from the book American Government 3E

Links to an external site., and cite the specific subsection or page you found it on, this is required to get full credit. This shows that you are directly engaging with course materials. Focus on connecting key terms from the texts, and show how the quote you chose relates to the question being asked. Whenever there is a key term, make sure you define it in your own words. To reiterate, your answer has two main components, quotes, and explanations in your own words. Your responses should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs. They are not full essays. Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question. You may also want to provide additional real-world examples taken from the readings and lectures.

Please follow the formatting guidelines set out by the MLA Links to an external site.

Links to an external site. for the setup (font, size, name block). This is not a full essay, however, we need you to use MLA as a template for your introductory material, and include your short responses after every question. For more help see the video on Canvas about this assignment.

You will be deducted points if you do not follow this format.

1.  A) Explain the logic between the structure of the legislative branch and the fears of the founding fathers. B) How do the different houses in Congress facilitate better representation? C) What is the term given to Congress’s ability to check the executive, and how does it work? D) Using a current event that was given in our modules, show how one house of Congress has dampened efficiency. Give three quotes, and use key terms from the text.

2.  A) Explain the link between representation and the current landscape of Congress. Does Congress adequately represent the people? B) What are the different models of representation, and how do they relate to whether or not Congress is responsive to the people or is doing what is needed on the national level? C) Is Congress getting more representative? D) Using a current event from our modules, what is a barrier to representativeness? Give three quotes, and use key terms from the text.

3.  A) Explain the role of the president from the viewpoint of the founding fathers. B) Has that role changed over time, and if it has, how so? C) What components of direct presidential action threaten the checks and balances instilled by the founders? D) How has the President’s role in overseeing the bureaucracy changed the executive branch over time? Give three quotes, and use key terms from the text.

4.  A) Is the current judicial branch a good representation of what the founding fathers envisioned for its role? B) How has its role changed over time? Explain the components of the change. C) Explain how the SCOTUS is influenced by the role of the President.

D) Is this role of the President good or bad for democracy and separation of powers? Please include one current event video from our modules in your answer and give three quotes, and use key terms from the text.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name:
American Government
Question 1
A) The structure of the legislative branch in the United States was designed by the founding fathers with the aim of addressing their fears of concentration of power and potential tyranny. The founding fathers had experienced the oppressive rule of the British monarchy and wanted to establish a system that would prevent such abuses of power. From the text, “The king, Jefferson charged, had taxed the colonists without the consent of their elected representatives, interfered with their trade, denied them the right to trial by jury, and deprived them of their right to self-government. Such intrusions on their rights could not be tolerated” (Krutz and Waskiewicz, 2.1). To address their concerns, the founding fathers implemented a system of checks and balances, which divided the powers of government among three separate branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The legislative branch, consisting of the Congress, was specifically structured to prevent the accumulation of too much power in any one body.
B) The different houses in Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives, facilitate better representation by ensuring a combination of proportional and equal representation. Under the great compromise, “Each state, regardless of size, would have two senators, making for equal representation as in the New Jersey Plan. Representation in the House would be based on population” (Krutz and Waskiewicz, 2.1). Therefore, the House of Representatives is designed to provide representation based on population. The number of representatives each state receives is based on its population size. On the other hand, the Senate provides equal representation for each state, regardless of population size. Consequently, Congress achieves a system of representation that balances both the popular will and the interests of individual states.
C) The term given to Congress's ability to check the executive branch is congressional oversight or “congressional check" (Krutz and Waskiewicz, 15.4). This power is rooted in the system of checks and balances established by the Constitution, which aims to prevent any branch of government from becoming too powerful or acting without accountability.
D) An example of an issue that demonstrates inefficiency in one house of Congress is the passage of comprehensive infrastructure legislation. The issue has been delayed in the House of Representatives, hindering efficiency in addressing a critical national issue. Delays and uncertainties in the legislative process not only impede the efficient allocation of resources but also create uncertainty for businesses and individuals who depend on infrastructure investments for economic growth and development.
Question 2
A) The link between representation and the current landscape of Congress is a complex and controversial topic. Determining whether Congress adequately represents the people is subjective and varies depending on perspectives and specific issues. For example, in terms of demographic representation, “Congress has become much more descriptively representative of the United States” (Krutz and Waskiewicz, 11.3). There have been notable increases in the representation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, and other underrepresented groups in Congress. This increased diversity helps in ensuring a broader range of perspectives and experiences are represented in the legislative process. However, there are still concerns about the influence of money in politics, which can potentially skew representation toward those with greater financial resources among other issues.
B) Different models of representation provide alternative approaches to how Congress should represent the people and respond to national needs. For example, the delegate model involves representatives are seen as delegates of their constituents, obligated to mirror their preferences and act accordingly. The trustee model suggests that representatives should exercise their own judgment and “act in what they believe to be the best interests of their constituents” (Krutz and Waskiewicz, 11.3, Summary)and the nation as a whole. The responsiveness of Congress to the peop...
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