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Argument in Favor of Gun Control

Essay Instructions:

Use Google Docs, size 12 font, double spaced, and it all needs to be 2-3 pages all together. In text citations are to be MLA format.

We were told to use the most reliable sources (2 or 3 of them at least)

Go to eResources> k-12 Schools> Teen> (hit the letter G towards the top of your screen)> Explora for High Schools

And then use the search bar for a topic

Intro with thesis statement

-Its the first impression

-Grab attention

-Do a broad statement of topic, more specific background info, thesis statement

Describe the problem

Convince reader the problem needs to be solved

Explain the proposal

Argue that this is the best solution

Counter or disprove objections


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Gun Control
The issue of gun control has been a controversial topic in the United States for decades. With mass shootings and gun violence becoming all too common, the need for stricter gun control measures has become increasingly evident. The argument in favor of gun control rests on the belief that stricter laws and regulations can help prevent gun violence and make communities safer.
Limiting or reducing the number of gun-related deaths and injuries is one of the key arguments in favor of gun regulation. With an estimated 40,000 gun-related fatalities each year, the United States has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the whole world (Christensen et al., 581). In addition to killings, the fatalities also include suicides and unintentional shootings. Consequently, by enacting tougher gun control regulations, such as background checks, waiting periods, and prohibitions on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, the amount of gun-related fatalities and injuries might be greatly decreased.
Another reason to support gun control is to ensure that certain individuals, such as those with history of violence or mental illness, cannot easily access guns in the society. Currently, Miller, Hepburn, and Azrael assert that individuals can legally purchase guns in many states without undergoing a background check or having to disclose any history of mental illness or criminal behavior (235). Such easy access to guns is particularly concerning given that studies have shown that individuals with a history of domestic violence or mental illness are more likely to commit acts of gun violence (Metzl, Piemonte, and McKay, 83). Strict gun control laws would help to reduce the likelihood that a person with a mental illness can legally access a gun, which makes it difficult for such an individual to possess a weapon. Thus, the chances of a mass shooting are reduced since the number of mentally ill people with access to guns is reduced.
Furthermore, stricter gun control measures can also help prevent mass shootings. Mass shootings, defined as incidents in which four or more people are shot i...
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