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Corporate Culture, Theories of Deviance, and Poverty Related to Geography

Essay Instructions:

The answers are a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 150 including the definition of key terms and discussion. font 12
Chose 3 out of 4 questions if you do the 4th question it will be extra credit. No Plagiarism is accepted.
Exam 2
1. Discuss corporate culture and the hidden corporate culture and the humanization of the workplace.
2. Contrast three theories of deviance: differential association, control, and labeling Theory.
3. Discuss how each of colonialism, world-system theory explains how the world’s nations became stratified discuss each..
4. Explain the problems in drawing the poverty line and how poverty is related to geography, as different states or regions in the United States

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Corporate culture and the hidden corporate culture and the humanization of the workplace
Corporate culture refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that guide how firm employees and management relates and deals with external forces. These beliefs drive organizational performance, which simultaneously determines business success. Organizations with a robust corporate culture have the potential to control and manage employees’ behavior. Lastly, corporate culture comprises three levels; assumptions, which are employees’ preconceived notions, values, and artifacts.
On the other hand, hidden culture is a series of objects, activities that occur from an ongoing process that bears symbolic meaning to a society with shared values and beliefs. This culture consists of cultural values, ideas, and assumptions that covey visible and invisible forces. Some of the invisible forces include connection, emotional maturity, certainty, and focus.
Humanizing the workplace is fostered through acknowledging employees, reimbursing them adequately. In addition, it involves recognizing and praising their efforts and achievements to boost their morale on a daily basis.
Contrast three theories of deviance: differential association, control, and labeling Theory.
Differential association theory suggests that people pick up traits, values, beliefs, and motives for criminal activities during interactions with others. Sociologists Edwin Sutherland proposed this theory to fill the existing gap in scientific-based approaches for a crime. This theory is anchored on nine distinct propositions of criminal behavior emerges.
On the other hand, the control theory proposes that human beings are subjected to internal and external social controls that are concurrently working to lessen our tendencies for bad attitudes and behavior. In this regard, crime is a product...
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