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TheHow to Deliver Great Customer Service

Essay Instructions:

Culinary management program-Hospitality course Project-
Value: 25% of Total Course Mark
1. Locate a book or article dealing with customer service. You may use the library, public library, or any other source, including the internet.
2. After reading the article or book, write 2-page essay on your article or book (single-spaced, no more than 12-point font)
3. Include:
a. The key points of the article or book in your own words
b. Your own review of the article showing how it relates to one or more of the key points we have discussed. (Hospitality management textbook-writer are" Dennis Reynolds, Imran Rahman, Clayton Barrows")
(These points should include customer loyalty, types of advertising and how they relate to customer trial, cost of lost customers, customer retention, service skills, customer turn-offs, service information gathering, handling customer complaints, recovery skills, customer expectations, value, etc.)
Please use the citation function if you need to...Please refer to the attachments - our hospitality textbook and project paper. In the meantime, please locate a book or an article dealing with customer service, then write an essay. My major is culinary management program, the project belongs to the hospitality management course(it is one of our courses).
My submitting due day is here before this Sunday night- Canada time-October 17, 10 PM..now here is Canada-10:08AM. Please send your essay before 10.17 Canada time, 09 PM...
Dear writer,
cuz it belongs to my total marks,so I need your help at this time. the topic is "customer service" after your locating and reading one book or an article. please refer to my textbook as well if you can find it in the library or online or other places (for reference at the same time)...
Please pay attention to my details and attachments...The book that you locate and read needs to be found by you...
Appreciated..keep in touch..

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The Article “How to Deliver Great Customer Service”
The customers highly determine the success of a business. For a business to succeed, a bond must be formed with the customers since the cost incurred in acquiring new clients is five times higher than the retention cost of existing ones. Providing quality customer services is a matter of common sense, but not all business enterprises practice it. According to the article I chose, the following are the key points on how enterprises can provide magnificent customer services. First, enterprises should treat their employees as their customers too. Companies recognized for excellent customer service, such as the Zappos shoe retailer, treat their employees the same way they would like the employees to treat customers. Employees will take more responsibility whenever they feel appreciated and valued in their teams, thus putting more effort towards success (Inc Staff). However, not all companies can afford to offer their staff huge salaries and benefits, but that might not always be the method to motivate employees. Small companies can show their employees’ appreciation by showing interest in their affairs and publicly recognizing them when they perform their duties well. In essence, showing employees that they are members of the larger team motivates them to work extra hard to succeed by providing excellent customer service.
Additionally, listening to customers gives them a chance to express themselves on their needs and wants clearly. By so doing, salespersons help them identify what they are looking for, resulting in customer satisfaction. Marc Wilson deduced that the finest salespeople usually spent 80% of their time listening and not talking (Inc Staff). Lastly, superb customer service starts with business owners. Good leadership is by example; if business owners show indifference to their customers, their employees will behave the same while passionate and courteous business owners motivate their employees to do th...
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