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Family Division of Labor and Stereotypes in Gender Roles Discussed in Rao's Article

Essay Instructions:

After reading the article by clicking the link below, write a 2 - 3 page, double-spaced paper summarizing and discussing the article. Some of your paper should be used to summarize the article (enough that I can tell you read it), and some of your paper should be used to provide a thoughtful discussion of the article content. When you are summarizing, do not copy word for word from the article or you will be guilty of plagiarism, resulting in a failing grade. Summarize in your own words. Use a 12 font and 1 inch margins. Do not waste a lot of space on your heading - all I need is your name. Just type your name and begin your paper on the next double-spaced line. Also, do not use additional spacing between paragraphs. The entire paper should be double-spaced without any additional spacing between paragraphs or in the top margin as a heading. In order to receive full credit, follow these format requirements.: No margins (top, bottom, left, right) larger than 1 inch. Font no larger than 12. Double-space entire paper. Write at least two full pages, and a maximum of three pages. Article 1 Summary/Discussion is due on Friday, October 29th by midnight central time and should be uploaded to this assignment page. There is a 48 grace period for submitting your papers. Article 1 Paper is worth 60 points.
Article 1 relates to Chapter 7, Intimacy and Families, and explores gender-role stereotypes and unequal division of labor within the home. Increasingly women are contributing financially to the household, and in some cases even more than men are contributing, but are still expected to do the majority of the housework. Sociologists refer to this as the "second shift," as women come home from their full-time jobs outside the home, they must start their second full-time job inside the home. Sociologists have been studying the gender division of labor within families for decades, and it is clear that while American men do more housework now than at any other time in our nation's history, overwhelmingly women still do more. Article 1 examines possible reasons for this disparity.
- https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/family/archive/2019/05/breadwinning-wives-gender-inequality/589237/?fbclid=IwAR3NIeNAwcF41hHaJ5z-IKOnUDgdbOoGu2z4HM8-b0cElSHc7ZXewZWh-pg
- Theories About Family & Marriage: Crash Course Sociology #37 (YouTube link)
- Stages of Family Life: Crash Course Sociology #38 (YouTube link)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article 1
Family setting is an interesting social institution. Aliya Hamid Rao, in the article, explores the family division of labor and stereotypes in gender roles. According to the article, the conversation about gender equality is concentrated in people's workplaces and not emphasized in family settings. Women have largely taken up positions and careers that were initially male-dominated, like law and medicine. They have also been elected to Congress and other societal leadership positions in large numbers in the recent past. Most people currently admit that women should have equal work and education opportunities as men. However, the situation is not the same at home.
Women perform most of the house chores regardless of their working and earning status. This is a cultural belief that people are not ready to disown. The contemporary American woman is likely to be working compared to the 1960 generation, but they still perform most domestic and parental responsibilities. Around 29% of American women are successful professionally, earning more than their husbands (Rao). However, most of them are likely to shield their husbands, claiming that they are still the family breadwinners. This is because most Americans believe in the traditional family structure that the man should be the breadwinner and the family head. The subject of a division of house chores is rarely a discussion topic. Instead, women who earn more than their husbands tend to work more on house chores to show their husbands that they know their gender expectations.
Men's unemployment is a significant issue that needs urgent intervention in American society, while women's unemployment is not a big issue. Men do not find a reason for their wives to urgently look for work when they lose their jobs. Instead, they believe that women should stay at home while they (men) work t...
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