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Analytical Essay 3. The Constitutional Powers. Social Sciences Essay

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There are 4 PDF lecture notes, 1 screen shot as the prompt, and the rest is from books. It require quotation from lecture notes and book.

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The Constitutional Powers
The United States of America constitution is one that forms the basis upon which the different arm of government are integrated into the government both at the national and the state levels. The framers of the constitution, were weary of the fact that, there was need to protect the citizens and their property along with the rights. More importantly, there was need to make sure that there smooth interaction between the three arms of the government, the states and the citizens (The Judiciary (1): The Foundations of Institutional Power Module 9, Lecture 1). This was crucial relative to the different powers that the institutions held (The constitution created both bold powers and sharp limits on power). One of the most crucial position in the United States is that of the President. This is not just for the world power dynamics but more importantly for power the President wields nationally and at the state level. Ideally, the impact of the same felt were the executive, the legislature and the judiciary interact.
The framers of the constitution were very keen on the powers that each of the arms of the government holds (Policymaking: Domestic and Foreign Module 10, Lecture1). More importantly they were keen on the powers and freedoms that the President of the United States held against the other two arms (The Judiciary (2): Organization and Membership Module 9, Lecture 2). There was need to make sure that the powers and freedoms were keep in check such, the President may not overrun their powers and implement propositions that may interfere with the function of the government institutions or the liberties and rights of the people(The constitution created both bold powers and sharp limits on power).
What is interesting to note is that fact that, the President is rather limited by the constitution. This is in a bid to prevent the President from overrunning his mandate and using his powers to bring about conflict in the national and state interests. Ideally, the President has the power to negotiate treaties between the United States and other nations. However, as indicated in the second article of the constitution, this is a limited power (The constitution created both bold powers and sharp limits on power.). This is relative to the fact that, despite the power to negotiate treaties with other nations, they do not have the full power to enact them. Ideally, the treaties have to then be approved by more than two thirds of the senate. The President is also given the powers to grant reprieves as well as pardons where necessary. However this is too does not extend to reprieves where impeachment is concerned. One other power that is controlled using the powers of the congress is that of vetoing congressional enactments. As established in the article I, the congress has the power to enact various changes to the laws or even develop new legislations relative to the powers that they have from the Elastic Clause. However, the President is given the power to veto such enactments in the sense that they should in any way hurt the states of the people. In a way, the President is the go between for the citizens and the government (The constitution created both bold powers and sharp limits on power). The President is elected through the ballot by the people in a move that gives back the power to the people to control the congress and the direction that the state is taking at any given time. This is however, quite limited relative to the constitutional powers that the President wields. The limitations become obvious when they are compared to the institutional and the political power that the President holds at any given time (The constitution created both bold powers and sharp limits on power). This is an element that has helped most the Presidents from the 20th century to this day to rise above the limitations. Using the two latter powers, Presidents are able to rise above the constitutional restrictions in some of the cases.
Considering that the President is a k...
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