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No One Is Safe.' How Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Splitting Families Apart

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No One Is Safe.' How Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Splitting Families Apart
In the past, people who immigrated to US illegally and had criminal record were some of the most targeted, but now the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can pick up family members and separate them from their families. The zero tolerance policy adopted by the Trump administration has been cast as a way to deal with illegal immigration especially through the southern border. The policy adopted has resulted in the indefinite separation of children from parents who enter the country legally. Supporters of these measures including Attorney General Jeff Sessions claim that is simply enforcing the of U.S. immigration law (Edwards). There is a need for better US border control, but the ICE is making arbitrary arrests and detentions separating families under the guise of enforcing immigration laws.
The immigration policy has been adopted to discourage illegal crossing and overstaying visas but ICE ignores the impact of separating families. President rump has a supported a more restricted approach to defining who naturalized immigrants can sponsor as spouses and young children, as well as reducing legal migration. There is a need for tougher border security and this is necessary as the government needs to know whether people have a criminal background and are a threat to U.S. citizens. Additionally, this will send the message that people have to use right channels when mitigating to the U.S. including avoiding overstaying the visas. Even as those in the country illegally ought to formalize their staying in the country, ICE has change all out to separate families, sometimes picking family members and deporting them within short notice.
The immigration measures adopted are meant to discourage illegal immigration, but in doing so there are innocent victims and others who are less likely to contact law enforcement authorities. Separating children from their parents has been one of the controversial measures in immigration policy, and the children are innocent victims. There is a need to change the immigration policy and, improve vetting and reduce the long delays in approving or declining immigrating status. However, the Trump administration has mainly adopted measures that would deter undocumented immigrants coming and staying in the country. Nonetheless, those who are already there may choose to ‘go underground’ even when they suffer abuse, making it more difficult to determine those who are victimized, vulnerable and suffer in silence.
Trump has focused on the rhetoric of security the country, and the threat posed by illegal immigrants, but there has been a dramatic increase in the arrest of non criminals when compared with the previous administration. President Trump’s rhetoric on undocumented immigrants being rapists and murderers is alarmist and meant to highlight reasons for greater vigilance among ICE agents. At the same time there has been no substantial resource increase in the ICE, and the agency has focused more on those they can reach regardless of whether they are productive members of the society. As such, it appears that the administration is intent n addressing the illegal immigration problem, but the most violent and troublesome individuals have evaded ICE’s reach.
Passing sweeping immigration legislations without considering ...
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