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Should Torture of Criminal Suspects be Allowed in Certain Cases?

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Persuasive essay

Topic : should torture of criminal suspects be allowed in certain cases

*Agree with torture

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Should Torture of Criminal Suspects be Allowed in Certain Cases?
In recent months, a lot of ethical arguments have arisen about torture in criminal cases. Some people claim that torture or physical abuse is not allowed as it is a significant threat to the entire society, while the others argue that torture is necessary to teach a life-long lesson to all criminals. In the United States, hundreds to thousands of cases are reported every week, and not all of them are investigated on the priority basis. However, it does not mean the police officers are not sincere with their duty; it only means that they prefer investigating cases related to domestic abuse, murder, and street crimes. When the suspect is arrested, and he/she does not accept the truth, torture becomes essential.
There are many reasons why torture is the only way to investigate different criminal cases. Some of them are mentioned below.
1. To Obtain Information
For police officers, it is important to obtain information relevant to a criminal case as soon as possible. If they do not torture the suspect, then they will never be able to collect relevant data. For example, if someone has stolen your money and handed it over to his family, then the suspect must be tortured so that the police can reach the area where your money is kept. Similarly, terrorists are required to be tortured, so that information about their groups is quickly obtained. In a normal situation, they will never share any data, and the police will never be able to solve the case.
2. To Teach a Lesson to Other Criminals
It is essential to torture or abuses the suspect physically so that other criminals can learn a lesson. Maybe, some of his friends are also committing similar crimes but have not been arrested so far. If they get to know about his injuries, they might amend their ways. In simple words, we can say that torture or physical abuse creates fear among criminals and prevents them from committing crimes in the future. Unfortunately, it has not been legalized in the United States. If it is legalized, then the police will be able to solve so many cases instantly and help the victims get out of uncertain situations on an immediate basis.

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