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Comparative Analysis of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential Systemd Politics

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Comparative Analysis of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential System
In the United States, president Trump is facing a migration crisis at the United States-Mexico border. The British prime minister May is also facing a revolt in the House of Commons against the Brexit deal with the European Union, and French president Macron is facing a massive protest movement over the fuel tax increases. However, the political system in the United Kingdom makes it more likely for prime minister May to succeed in resolving the crisis. Deacon (577) states that the executive branch in a parliamentary system includes legislative members and thus makes it easier and faster to enact legislation. Moreover, in this system, the executive is exclusively dependent on parliaments counsel and support making it more efficient, compared to the other methods (Deacon 578). This paper will explore the relationship between the executive and legislature in the United States, Britain and France, the power and importance of their parliaments, and parties within their executive and assembly that are to be expected in meaningful negotiations. In addition, this paper will seek to examine the similarities and differences in the variables mentioned and conclude by comparative analysis of evidence.
Executive-Legislature Relations
The United States
The United States is governed using the presidential system, where the people elect the president, and forms a government that is independent of the legislature, yet, for balance between the two, there needs to be an excellent interdependent relationship. In America, the executive and legislature branches exist independently without interference. However, for both offices to function efficiently there has to be a good symbiotic relationship between the two as one cannot function without the other (Burke 832). Burke further states that a stalemate can occur when the president does not agree with the majority of Congress members since the executive needs a majority number to push their agenda. For these reasons, it would take president Trump several backroom negotiation deals to solve the migration crisis, as he does not command a majority in the House of Representatives as from the 2018 mid-term elections (Burke 832).
The United Kingdom
According to the parliamentary system in the UK, the party that wins the majority of seats forms the government, under their leader who becomes the prime minister. In his book, Deacon states, that the parliamentary system is by far the best system of government due to its efficacy and clear accountability structures (578). The author further argues that because of the executive being part of the legislature, it becomes easier and faster to enact legislation since the executive is subservient to parliament. Furthermore, the author claims that due to the nature of accountability, this system incorporates all ideas, suggestions, and counsel from all parties, leaving little or no room for mistakes. For these reasons, prime minister May is more likely to succeed in resolving the Brexit crisis.
Under the semi-presidential system used in France, the president is elected directly by the people and later appoints a prime minister who will be accountable to the legislature, and handle daily administrative, governmental and communication systems. According to Passarelli, the French semi-presidential system is one of the best systems in the world since it provides good checks and balances to both the president and legislature (402). However, the author argues that a stalemate can occur in case the president and prime minister are from different parties. Moreover, the author states that since the French constitution is not clear about their roles, this can bring about confusion in accountability and the legislative procedure. In addition, according to the author, this system promotes strong party politics, which would be a disadvantage in times when the executive enacts unpopular laws. For this reason, Macron would be at a problem with most parliament members when he tries to push for reforms that will increase the tax burden on citizens.
The Powers and Importance of the Legislature
The United States
The United States Congress consists of two houses of parliament: the House of Representatives and the Senate, for any bill to become law it has to pass through these two houses. According to US history, the American constitution has granted Congress the power to make all laws. The author also claims that according to the structure the Congress can halt all government spending when it fails to pass a spending plan. That is why as Burke states, the priority for any American president is to get a super majority in both houses to ensure smooth operation of government. However, if the president fails to secure a majority in Congress, this could affect the running of government as he or she would be at the mercies of legislators.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom also has a bicameral house of parliament, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. However, there are three central elements of the British parliament the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The main business of Parliament takes place in the two Houses.  According to Parliament.uk, for any bill to become law, it has to pass both houses before the Queen's accent. Moreover, the author outlines the main functions of the British parliament, which are to check and challenge the work of the government (scrutiny), make and change laws (legislation), debate the important issues of the day (debating), and check and approve government spending (budget/taxes) (Parliament.uk). Moreover, for the prime minister to rule smoothly he or she must secure a majority in parliament, as failure to do that would lead to her removal incase dissatisfied members p...
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