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Emulation of Nonviolent Conflict

Essay Instructions:

Part A: In the first half of your article summary (at least 1 page, double-spaced), in your own words please describe the research that the author(s) conducted or reviewed. You do not have to cite every study that they cite, but provide a flavor of what they did and found. 

Part B: In the second half of your review (at least 1 page, double-spaced), please say what you think the take home message of the article is: Why do you think this research is important? What can we learn from it? How do the main points of the article relate to what you have learned in class so far (be specific)? This portion of your review should be a minimum of 1 full page.

Do not quote from the articles. We have read them. We want to hear how you describe and interpret the articles. You do not need to provide a references list or bibliography.

Each review (i.e., for each article) should be at least 2 pages, double-spaced, and no more than 4 pages in total. Any reviews shorter than 2 pages will automatically be rejected.

Please use size 12 font (or smaller), Times New Roman.

Pages should be double or single spaced, but no larger than double spaced. There should be no additional lines between paragraphs.

Please use 1 inch margins on all sides of the pages (please check your Word processor, as this might not be the default setting).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
10 December 2018
Emulation of Nonviolent Conflict
Violent domestic conflicts are common all around the globe and spread between counties though spillover effects and the desire to copy events abroad. In the same way, it is predicted that nonviolent conflicts spread in the same way as violent conflicts. Braithwaite and others conducted a research to determine the conditioning effect of protest history on the emulation of nonviolent conflict (Braithwaite, 607). They used existing literature on nonviolent conflicts all over the world in the past few decades to conduct their analysis.
The researchers referred to the mostly nonviolent pro-democracy movements around the world in the mid-to-late 1980s, the series of protests in the former Soviet States in the 2000s during the Color Revolutions and the emergence of nonviolent movements in early 2010s during the Arab Spring across the Middle East and North Africa. They suggested that observing the collective action abroad inspires the desire to emulate among those who wish to challenge domestic autocrats.
The researchers tested the following hypothesis to determine the implications of the argument: nonviolent campaigns in foreign countries increase the likelihood of the onset of new nonviolent campaigns at home, and a recent history of protests reduces the influence that foreign nonviolence has on the likelihood of nonviolence at home (Braithwaite, 701). They used a series of multivariate logistic regression in the analysis using the data available on nonviolent resistance mobilizations that occurred in countries globally between 1946 and 2006 (Braithwaite, 702). In addition to the tests, they conducted post-estimation analysis that provided further evidence to back up their argument on emulation.
The analysis demonstrated that foreign nonviolence has a positive effect on domestic movements, that is, nonviolence is contagious. There is a likely hood of countries ...
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