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China and USA Relations Writing Assignment Paper Essay

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China and USA Relations
United States of America-China relations is the international relationship between the two countries since the time the US gained its independence. The relations dates back to 1845 with the signing of Wangxia Treaty which made the two countries allies during the Pacific War. However, the relations broke for twenty-five years after the establishment of the Communist government. This was until 1972 visit to China by President Richard Nixon. These relations are defined from the economic, political and social perspective. The relationship between these two countries has been strong, but also with some complexities involved. For instance, the two countries have an extensive economic partnership that facilitates great trade between the two countries that eventually necessitates political relations. However, there are also some significant issues that exist amidst these relations such as the Pacific hegemonic rivalry, as well as frequent suspicion concerning each other’s intentions (Goldstein 50). This has made the two countries to develop some weird attitude towards each other on the ground of being a potential adversary despite being strong economic partners in the 21st century. These relations have been stable with some seasons of open conflicts, such as those that occur during the Vietnam and Korean Wars. China and the United States have a mutual interest in global politics, economy, and security, and also the rate of proliferation of nuclear weapons. Currently, some unresolved issues related to the role of democracy and the condition of human rights, including the territorial dispute within the South China Sea (Lewis 471).
Economic Relations
China-USA relations have progressed on well, but not limited to frequent occurrences of disputes. Since the 1972 visit to China by Nixon, the majority of the subsequent Presidents have toured China with the intention of achieving better relations. However, these relations were considered strenuous under the Obama regime due to his Asia pivot strategies. At the same time, the support the U.S. gave to Japan during the dispute on Senkaku Islands including the current classification of China by Trump regime as a currency and trade manipulator, is seen as the continuation of the trade and political wars (Goldstein 49).
The conception of trade relations between the two countries in 1972 provided a platform for direct foreign investment by the US into China’s mainland. These saw the US invest in the manufacturing sector, petrochemicals, and hotel industry. This was followed by agreements that led to the establishment of thousands of equity and contractual joint ventures with more US-based multinational owning projects within mainland China. There have been cases of US trade deficit with China mainland owing to several factors, for instance, the trade deficit in 2006 exceeded $350 billion (Goulding 19). These factors include the over-counting of the US import valuation on China, the demand from the US for labor-intensive products that eventually exceeds domestic output since the Republic of China has restrictive practices in the trade. Some of the implicated barriers to trade always aim at protecting the local enterprises from the exploitation by foreign investments. These include transparency issues, high tariffs, lack of consistency in the application of legislative laws and regulations safeguarding trade as well as leveraging technology to grant market access to foreign firms (Goulding 19).
China and the US established the Strategic Economic Dialogue in the year 2009 which meets twice a year to discuss economic issues affecting the two countries. There was a major trade dispute in the year 2009 where the United States imposed heavy tariffs on Chinese imports. Chinese Commerce Minister described this as a grave decision from the United States with dire consequences on the trade agreement. However, both sides raised additional issues with the US claiming that the decision was made by the law and the international trade agreements. The World Trade Organization allows countries to keep tariffs below the bound rate of close to 39% of which the US raise on Chinese imports was 35% (Goulding 19). This is just one of the representation of the few disputes between China and the United States. However, many analysts believed that such disputes would damage both trade and political relations between the two countries. After the filing of the dispute, China was found guilty of using unfair trade restrictions over the exports on rare earth minerals. The aspect of the win-win economic platform has been an important stake in the continuous cooperation between the countries.
The China-US relations have taken a big toll since President Donald Trump took office. Importantly, the trade war has been the hallmark of these countries affecting the bilateral relations with a focus on strategic orientations on the incumbent and the rising super-power (Lampton 44). Such relations reveals that the two countries have moved from cooperation rivalry to competing rivals. The two countries appear to be major strategic and policy rivals, therefore, endangering the a...
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