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Children and Parents Essay Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Your essay this week is about parenting styles and the impact that parents have in socializing children. In your essay identify what parenting styles your parents utilized as they raised you and elaborate on how it impacted your perspectives on life overall. Be sure to think about specific events that were impacted by your parents influence. Be sure to utilize the material in Cherlin and be sure to identify those ideas. Your essay of course should be 1000 words minimally to obtain the best possible score.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Children and Parents
There is no doubt that the style of parenting adopted by parents or caregivers immensely influences a child's perspectives towards various issues in life (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 169). Further, different parents/caregivers adopt varied parenting styles, with the most common being authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative (Smetana, 21). This essay will focus on the parenting style adopted by my parents and how it impacted my perspectives on life. Further, the essay will supply a description of some specific events that were orchestrated by the influence of my parents.
After a very close analysis of the experience that I had with my parents as a child, most aspects of the relationship that I had with my parents point out authoritative parenting. Both my mum and my dad coordinated their relationship with me, and the manner in which they did son exemplifies the authoritative style of parenting. Following are some general characteristics that my parents had when it came to relating with me as a child. First, they would endeavor to ensure that there was almost always a positive environment for me to grow and develop well. It is common for couples to disagree on certain issues. For my parents, whenever they were disagreements, they would ensure that I am not part of it, and if I am part of it, then it is constructively resolved. Second, although I thought my parents to be tough, they would explain to me the reason for every 'rule' imposed on me as their child. All the regulations set were well explained to help me understand why it was necessary to uphold them. Thirdly, whenever I did something good, my parents would praise it in the most robust way possible. The opposite was also true. Whenever I did something wrong, my parents would find some tough but loving way of punishing the improper behavior so that it does not recur in the future.
There are various ways in which the parenting style adopted by my parents impacted my life. First, I came to love education. My parent invested plenty of resources in my education. They valued education and would constantly remind me that education carries the key to true freedom. They would often seat me and explain to me how education had helped them and why it was so crucial for me to value it as well. They invested not only money in my education but also their time. They would often come to school and follow up on my progress. They would also discuss with my teachers concerning my behavior and left no stone unturned in ensuring that I was being molded into an educated and well-behaved citizen. The love for education, therefore, grew and thrived in me. Until now, I value education and cannot attempt to underestimate the impact that it can have on an individual. Therefore, the authoritative style of parenting adopted by my parents helped me to value education.
The second way the authoritative style of parenting adopted by my parents impacted my life overall is that it made me value and respect every ...
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